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保时捷版MATE 9慈善拍卖 华为与您携手关爱癌症慈善事业

2017-02-08 来源: 推广 评论0条

华为将拍卖MATE 9限量保时捷版, 拍卖所得将全部捐赠予Tour de Cure慈善机构

保时捷版MATE 9慈善拍卖 华为与您携手关爱癌症慈善事业 - 1

华为注重关爱慈善事业,华为澳洲自2011年便与Tour de Cure (澳洲一级癌症慈善机构)建立了长期赞助关系。 

本周Mate 9 在澳洲隆重上市,华为特此提供一机难求的Mate 9限量保时捷版进行拍卖。拍卖所得将全部捐赠予Tour de Cure。

本次竞价将通过网https://www.allbids.com.au/auctions/817761/porsche-design-huawei-mate-9-limited-edition-smartphone-to-support-tour-de-cure进行。拍卖将从2月8日2am开始至2月10日中午。中拍者将于2月10日12:30 pm在华为Mate 9 World Square路演现场公布。全澳免费邮寄。

华为Mate 9限量保时捷版是保时捷品牌经典设计与华为手机专业工艺的完美结合,是您的尊享之选,给予您前所未有的奢华体验。

华为Mate 9保时捷设计采用上下左右皆对称的唯美哲学,机身采用全对称设计,玻璃触版与金属壳体实现双曲面无缝衔接,最薄处仅2.5mm;5.5英寸双曲面2K柔性屏,简洁清晰的弧线勾勒出来最圆润精致的流畅外形,以石墨金属质感外壳搭配雅致的黑色竖向发丝纹理,给人感觉非常尊贵大气;仅169克的机身又使得其拿在手中毫无压力,舒适度极高。左右设计可隐藏和自定义的“多任务”和“返回键”,顶部有着“PORSCHE DESIGN”的印刷LOGO。这一定制版的电池容量为4000毫安时,搭载了6GB RAM+256GB ROM内存组合,麒麟960芯片更是给了它革新的快速处理。

在欧洲,Mate 9限量保时捷版的建议零售价为1395欧元。

保时捷版MATE 9慈善拍卖 华为与您携手关爱癌症慈善事业 - 2

Tour de Cure 自2007年已经募集超过$2500万善款。目前已经建立超过250个癌症研究支持及预防的项目,见证了18个巨大的癌症突破性的革新。本次所有Mate 9 限量保时捷版拍卖所得将全部捐献与Tour de Cure。

About Huawei Australia 

Huawei’s products and services are available in more than 170 countries, and are used by a third of the world’s population, ranking third in the world in mobile phone shipments in 2015. Sixteen R&D centres have been set up in the United States, Germany, Sweden, Russia, India, and China. Huawei Consumer BG is one of Huawei’s three business units and covers smartphones, PC and tablets, wearables and cloud services. Huawei’s global network is built on 20 years of expertise in the telecom industry and is dedicated to delivering the latest technological advances to consumers around the world. 

All products are subject to availability.  Huawei reserves the right to change or withdraw products at any time.  Huawei makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all information and accepts no liability for any typographic, photographic or editorial errors or omissions.  Images are for information purposes only. For full product specifications and information please visit http://consumer.huawei.com/en/support/mobile-phones/mha-en-sup.htm.  Huawei makes no representations regarding third party products or services.

The following are trademarks of Huawei : Huawei and the Huawei logo.  Other company, product or service names may be trade or service marks of others.

更多信息请联系Jade Tang:

Jade.tang @huawei.com


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