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大卫·高民议员拜访抵Kempt Field葫芦丝乐团

2017-07-19 来源: 大卫·高民 评论0条

David Coleman, Federal Member for Banks, visited the Hulusi Folk Instrument Group at Kempt Field in Allawah, on July 18.

大卫·高民,联邦班克斯选区议员,于Allawah的Kempt Field拜访了葫芦丝乐团.

大卫·高民议员拜访抵Kempt Field葫芦丝乐团 - 1

The Group, comprising around 25 musicians performed several songs and has previously performed at NSW Parliament House.


The Group welcomes traditional Chinese musicians and rehearses on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings.


“It is good to see members of the community coming together to celebrate traditional Chinese culture,” Mr Coleman said.  “Groups such as the Hulusi Folk Instrument group ad to the vibrancy of our society.”

“社区成员们相聚演练传统中华文化是件好事” 高民说。“就好像葫芦丝民乐队给我们社会/社区添色加彩。”

“I look forward to seeing the Hulusi Folk Instrument group perform at community events in the future,” Mr Coleman said.

“我展望将来葫芦丝民乐团为社区活动的表演” 高民说

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