先说重点,津巴布韦人Trevor S游荡于悉尼各大高校,专盯华人学生诈骗,目前已知涉案超过30000刀,受害者来自USYD、UNSW,请大家务必注意识别骗术!!
说下背景。笔者是一名悉尼大学在读的留学生。3月18日上周日,早上在悉大商学院楼里自习时,遇到一名津巴布韦年轻黑人,名叫Trevor S。声称自己在悉大学IT,在做一有关比特币价差平台project,需要从中国买0.1比特币做test,而自己没有支付宝账户,提出给我转账澳元让我帮他转账人民币给支付宝账户。笔者答应了,收到收据后转账给一国内比特币卖家支付宝5000元,结果收据实为假(下文详述)。
下午谷歌后发现贴吧中有帖子举报相同经历遭骗,意识到上当后,以曾在风投实习为名约其出来“谈论项目”,并报警,将其抓获后,此人因为涉案金额不足当日保释。且据警察后联系我们说,此人因“bitcoin gambling”,账户中已没有任何余额,也因此笔者至今未收到赔付。
而此事牵出藤蔓带出瓜,在贴吧与有相同经历者联系后,发现此人从2017年开始,至少已经涉嫌针对华人学生行骗4次,最大金额的受害者来自UNSW,目前Trevor S仍欠此人29000澳元!
请注意,目前行动均在周末发生,此人利用土澳破银行都不能当天到账的缺陷伪造收据实施诈骗,目前Trevor S的已知手法如下:
1)如上所述,称自己原本在纽卡斯尔后转学到USYD读IT,在做项目研究需要换汇,然而周末转账不能即时到账,所以如果收据为假,根本无法查证。受骗者损失支付宝中人民币,Trevor收到国内卖家的比特币。后经警察点醒,实则,Trevor使用的是其Westpac银行中scheduled pay(延时付款)功能,日期为第二日(知道当天的日期也是很重要的☹.),因而此操作可以随时取消。
其他涉及手法多概括为朋友/津巴布韦国内给他转账但他急用,叫转账给受害者,换取受害者帮忙取现,然而,并非全为scheduled pay,也有PS的转账图!请务必注意!
下图第一张为Trevor P图不小心没有P日期,第二张则至今仍然未见P图的破绽。
I come from China and I am a student studying in UNSW.
On 26th Feb, Trevor asked me to lend money to him for the deposit of his living place. We wrote down an agreement for paying back my money. At the same day he drove to my place asking another amount like $5000 to pay the tuition fee, he said his money still not arrived his bank account yet from his country, so he said he has a cousin here. He used his cousin’s George bank account to transfer the money to my account, and then we went to the bank I withdrew $5000 cash to him.
The second day, he asked me again he still no thad the money arrived, he needed another $5000 to pay the tuition fee, which already borrowed another money from the other guy to gather the whole money for paying tuition fee. So same with last time he transferred me first and then we go to the bank to withdraw $5000 to him.
On 3rd Mar, he asked me again for money because he is doing the project at UNSW about bitcoin something, so he needs $5000to buy the bitcoin, we do the same thing as last time.
He kept doing this way to borrow money from me, he transferred first and sent me the screenshot, and then I withdrew the cash to him. I thought everything is fine, thinking about he’s doing a transfer from the bank which I thought is safe.
But after a week, every transfer he sent me didn’t arrive my account, totally $30800, he only made two deposits $1000 and$800 to my account, so he still owe me $29000. The reason why all the transfer sent back to his account is that he is doing bitcoin so the bank told him he doesn’t have right to do the transfer(that’s what he told me).
On 18th Mar about 12 am, he broke into my house and knocked my door, saying he is in trouble, he told me he was charged by other guy who also lent him the money. He told me the police took his phone and frozen his bank account. He also begged me do not call the police.
下图用的George Bank的scheduled pay,受骗者跟我一样没有注意到。
作为一个20多岁了的留学生,被骗真的是很丢人也很愚蠢的回忆,即使耍了聪明把他抓了起来到现在钱也没有着落。不过,我希望用我们的惨痛经历给所有的留学生敲个警钟,就像从警察局做完笔录,回学校的路上,校警大叔说的,”Australia is not paradise”,“ Many students coming from China always feeling safe at uni, but there are many bad guys here, and many people outside the uni come here to steal and fraud.”
同时,报案请联系Newton Alan警官,邮箱[email protected];电话(02) 92689299。