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2018-12-13 来源: EWC 评论5条

12 月 10 日星期一,100 多位有影响力的澳洲华人与和本地人在墨尔本威廉大街历史悠久、享有盛誉、高尚典雅的俱乐部,共同庆祝圣诞节的到来。俱乐部于 1878 年由英国定居民在 19 世纪创立;目前依然保持着墨尔本最优秀私人俱乐部的传统和辉煌。 

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 1

此次晚会主办方为财富精英圈(EWC)。财富精英圈是一个社会企业家社交平 台,旨在成为连接中国和澳大利亚文化的桥梁。 

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 2

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 3

与会贵宾包括 EWC 的赞护人维州上议员布鲁斯·阿特金森阁下、肯·史密斯阁下;此外贵宾还包括中华人民共和国墨尔本总领事赵建夫人吴婷领事和韩冰领事、澳大利亚司令勋章获得者哈罗德·米切尔先生、澳大利亚联邦法院大法官 伯纳德·墨菲阁下、墨尔本市政府刘乐议员、韦弗利市政府蔡鹏市议员、莫顿咨 询地产董事杨昶、儿童第一慈善机构首席执行官的艾琳·阿什福德、维多利亚大 学科林·克拉克教授、蒙纳士大学维克·皮尔副教授。 

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 4

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 5

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 6

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 7

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 8


以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 9

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 10

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 11

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 12

EWC 主席 Susan Gin 特别说明了 EWC 自 2016 年成立以来持续取得的成就。作为高层次跨文化网络平台,EWC 不同凡响。 

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 13

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 14

以慈善汇聚中澳百位最具影响力精英,财富菁英圈圣诞晚会盛大开启 - 15

她进一步突出说明EWC的重点在于慈善。她与EWC董事秦潞山教授、 Liana Kestelman、Diana Lin、Catherine Lou 博士、Tomm Paulsen、Nadia Taylor、Mary Wang、Katy Wang 和 Evelyn Xie 一起,向儿童第一慈善机构首 席执行官艾琳·阿什福德奉上一张 20,000 澳元的支票,这是今年 8 月在墨尔本 会展中心 EWC 晚宴上所筹集的资金捐赠,晚宴共有 300 多名来宾参加。 


财富精英圈于 2016 年 8 月成立,是一个社会企业家社交平台,精英圈采用会员制,为移民澳洲、在中国有影响力的成功人士提供服务。会员愿望相同,希 望在澳大利亚主流社会中与志同道合的人士进行融合互动。作为非营利组织, 财富精英圈旨在促进整合,成为不同文化之间的桥梁。名称中的“财富”意味着 “心灵的财富”。

On Monday 10 December, over one hundred influential guests, both Chinese and Australian celebrated Christmas at the historic, prestigious and exclusive Club in William Street, Melbourne. The Club was founded in 1878 by English settlers in the 19th Century. It still retains its tradition and prosperity as one of Melbourne's finest private clubs.

The gathering was hosted by the Executive Wealth Circle (EWC), a social

Entrepreneurship and networking platform, which aims to be a bridge linking

Chinese and Australian cultures. 

Among VIPs were Hon. Bruce Atkinson MLC, Hon. Ken Smith, both are Patrons of EWC. The Melbourne Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China was represented by Consul Wu Ting, wife of Consul General Zhao Jian, and Consul Han Bing. Also present were Mr Harold Mitchell AC, Hon. Justice Bernard Murphy form the Federal Court of Australia, Councillor Philip Le Liu from City of Melbourne, Councillor Pang Tsoi from Waverley Council, Mike Yang, Director Modun Advisory and Property, Aileen Ashford CEO of Kids First Charity , Professor Colin Clark from Victoria University, Associate Professor Vicky Peel and from Monash University.

Professor Charles Qin OAM was MC and invited Associated Professor Vicky Peel to make a short presentation about Monash University’s initiative to provide its students with an immersion program in China and other countries as part of their undergraduate degrees. This was of great interest to all present.

Chair of EWC, Susan Gin highlighted the success EWC has continued to experienced since its formation in 2016. It is unique as a high level cross cultural networking platform.

She also highlighted the philanthropic focus of EWC. Together with Advisory Board Members Professor Charles Qin, Liana Kestelman, Diana Lin, Dr. Catherine Lou, Tomm Paulsen, Nadia Taylor, Mary Wang, Katy Wang and Evelyn Xie, a cheque for $20,000 was presented to Aileen Ashford, CEO of Kids First Charity as a donation from funds raised form EWC Gala evening in August at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre, attended by over 300 guests.

About Executive Wealth Circle (EWC)

Launched in August 2016, EWC is a social entrepreneurship and a networking platform, serving a membership base of successful, influential migrants to Australia from China. Its members share a common desire to integrate and engage with like-minded individuals in the wider Australian community. As a non-profit organization, EWC aims to facilitate integration and act as a bridge between cultures. The 'wealth' in its name signifies a 'wealth of the mind'.

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