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大使疫情手记 (双语4) —— 十三年首次下厨

2020-04-01 来源: VermilionArt朱雀画廊 原文链接 评论0条

大使疫情手记 (双语4) —— 十三年首次下厨 - 1

Geoff Raby与前中国驻澳大利亚大使傅莹女士

作者:Geoff Raby



前澳大利亚驻华大使、艺术收藏家、经济学家、专栏作家 Dr Geoff Raby AO 原计划于二月底返回北京,后因疫情爆发滞留悉尼。朱雀艺术特别开设【号外】专栏,连载大使的疫情手记。今日连载至第4篇。





大使疫情手记 (双语4) —— 十三年首次下厨 - 2


大使疫情手记 (双语4) —— 十三年首次下厨 - 3





大使疫情手记 (双语4) —— 十三年首次下厨 - 4

Geoff Raby’s Pandemic Journal 4

Rediscovering the joy of cooking after 13 years

So today it has become serious, as if it wasn’t before. But today Stage 3 restrictions on social interaction came into force. We had been thinking of skiving off tomorrow to a national park wilderness with a couple of Beijing friends. Not now. We have decided to keep with the program and spend our time indoors, other than the exercise walking we are (cheekily!) stretching into longer and longer time outdoors.

Sydney was wet this morning. We shifted the daily exercise to the late afternoon and a steely sunset over the harbour. The water and clouds met at the horizon past the Bridge like two flat metal sheets.

The government’s edicts have already taken effect. Gone today were any groups beyond two, tough occasionally two sets of couples had run into each other, perhaps accidentally, and were standing chatting but all at safe social distances. You can see it now where I walk. Social distancing is almost becoming a badge of honour. People are giving each other the widest berth possible, far more than the obligatory one and half metres.

A full ten days in and instead of relief, the restrictions are now much greater. We’re roughly where China was two and half months ago, so if all goes well by mid-June we might be where China is today. It is hardly a cheery thought.

My foreign friends in China tell me the first two weeks of house restraint were strange but in time it started to become more and more normal. Humans are remarkably adaptable. We know that. People adjust to all types of social and political systems. They live reasonably well-adjusted lives in liberal democracies, under communism and fascism, and everything else in between. We are supremely adaptable beings.

Perhaps we are also ahead of the curve. News today is that the rate of new infections is decreasing. For the mathematicians among us – and I’m not one but rather a simple economist – the second derivative is negative. It means the rate of increase is slowing. This is very good news today. Nevertheless, realistically, we are unlikely to see any amelioration in our condition of Stage 3 lockdown for months. It is clear we’re in for a long haul. 

I have re-discovered cooking after 13 years in China with an 'A Yi'. Cooking has come back to me as if it had never been interrupted. Before China I was a good cook. I had even, in my apartment in Canberra, cooked aux deux for Her Excellency, Mme Fu Ying, the Chinese Ambassador to Australia.

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