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2020-12-18 来源: 澳洲房产大全 原文链接 评论1条


但在昨天2020年12月17日,移民公民,移民服务和多元文化事务部长Alan Tudge发布新的投资移民改革信息。

澳洲投资移民再度改革,188E或成最大赢家?丨移民 - 1


目前存在的九类投资移民方式将会缩减到4类,也就是现存的创新商业移民188A, 投资州政府国债的188B, 投资500万澳币的重大投资移民188C 和新创企业家类188E, 并且每一类别都将有详细的转永居的明确通路。

The program will be simplified from nine to four visa streams: Business Innovation, Entrepreneur, Investor, and Significant Investor. There will be a clear pathway to permanent residency for each category.

以后的4类商业移民都不是直接的PR ,会有5年的有效期,让申请来满足条件转PR。

188A 和 188C 的申请人如果在5年的时间内无法满足转PR的条件,还可以有延长签证的机会。

Provisional visa holders in all four streams will be able to apply for permanent residence if they meet the requirements after three years, but the provisional visa will now be valid for five years, meaning they have additional time to meet the requirements. 

Business Innovation and Significant Investor visa holders will also continue to be able to extend their provisional visas if they do not meet the business and residence thresholds in the required timeframe.

从2021年7月1开始,1500万投资的188D,Significant Business history 也是 132A(pr), 和 Venture capital Entrepreneur (pr) 也就是132B 将关闭。

The Premium Investor, Significant Business History and Venture Capital Entrepreneur visas will be closed to new applications from 1 July 2021. 

Applications already lodged for these visas will still be processed.

澳洲投资移民再度改革,188E或成最大赢家?丨移民 - 2

188A签证可以申请一次2年的延, 而188C签证可以申请两次2年的延期。

Business Innovation provisional visa holders can apply for a two-year extension provided they demonstrate a realistic commitment to continuing to manage a business that has been actively operating in Australia for the previous two years.

Significant Investor provisional visa holders can apply for two, two-year extensions provided they continue to maintain their complying significant investment.


The requirements for Business Innovation visa holders will be increased to ensure the program is attracting migrants with proven business skills. Business Innovation visa holders will be required to hold business assets of $1.25 million (up from $800,000) and have an annual turnover of $750,000 (up from $500,000) to prove their business acumen. These settings have not changed since 2012 when the program was first introduced.

Business Innovation and Significant Investor visa holders will also continue to be able to extend their provisional visas if they do not meet the business and residence thresholds in the required timeframe.

188E 将不再需要至少 20万的合格方投资。 但是仍需要政府对项目背书。

The $200,000 funding threshold required for Entrepreneur visa applicants will be scrapped. Applicants will need to be endorsed by a State or Territory government. 

This follows the successful Supporting Innovation in South Australia pilot program and will give states and territories an additional way to attract international entrepreneurs. 

澳洲投资移民再度改革,188E或成最大赢家?丨移民 - 3




澳洲投资移民再度改革,188E或成最大赢家?丨移民 - 4



移民道路上,各种法律法规内容纷繁复杂,请务必找到有经验的澳洲持牌移民机构,做到万无一失。澳洲投资移民再度改革,188E或成最大赢家?丨移民 - 5

关键词: 188E投资移民签证
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