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11天前 来源: TheGuardian 原文链接 评论3条


成绩创20年新低!澳洲公民测试难倒十年级学生,这些题你能答对吗?(图) - 1

这项测试由澳洲统一课程考评与报告管理局(Australian Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting Authority,Acara)组织,旨在评估学生对公民教育和公民权利的“态度及参与程度”。





成绩创20年新低!澳洲公民测试难倒十年级学生,这些题你能答对吗?(图) - 2




1. Which of the following would be the task of a local council?

A. Setting up schools

B. Looking after parks and gardens

C. Making sure hospitals run smoothly

D. Taking part in parliamentary sessions

2. In 1965, a student group from the University of Sydney organised a bus tour of country towns in New South Wales. The group, called Student Action for Aborigines (Safa), wanted to investigate the state of Aboriginal health, education and housing in rural communities. This bus tour came to be known as a 'Freedom Ride'. In towns such as Walgett, Moree and Bowraville, the students protested against racial discrimination that prevented Aboriginal people from going to clubs, swimming pools, hotels and cafes.

Why were the students able to protest in the country towns they visited?

A. In Australia, all forms of protest are encouraged.

B. In Australia, different laws apply in country towns to the cities.

C. In Australia, people have the right to say and do as they please.

D. In Australia, people have the right to organise legal forms of protest.

3. What is the main reason that the 'separation of powers' exists in a democracy?

A. To keep traditions

B. To make the system fair

C. To make the system fast

D. To make the system cheap to run

4. In democratic decision-making, how can the views of minority groups best be considered?

A. By ensuring that the opinions of their members are made clear to the majority group

B. By allowing their members to vote more than once

C. By explaining to their members why their opinions are less important than the majority

D. By asking the majority group to ignore their own needs and think only of the needs of others

5. Why did Australia move from a policy of assimilation to one of multiculturalism? 

A. Australia did not have an identifiable culture of its own.

B. The government found it too difficult to force people to assimilate.

C. The diversity of immigrants coming to live in Australia needed to be recognised.

D. The government wanted equal numbers of immigrants from a variety of countries.

6. Australia gives aid to a number of countries throughout the world. The Australian government provided approximately $4bn in Official Development Assistance (ODA) in 2015–16. 

Why would the Australian government choose to provide $4bn in foreign aid?

A. The Australian government does not need the money for anything else.

B. The Australian government wants to control the countries that accept Australian aid.

C. The Australian government believes in the value of helping people in need throughout the world.

D. The Australian government wants to prove to the rest of the world that Australia is a rich and powerful nation.

7. What is the main role of the speaker of the House of Representatives?

A. To keep order when parliament is in session

B. To make the final decision on important policies in parliament

C. To make important policy speeches when parliament is in session

D. To make sure that all members of parliament vote on important issues



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随遇而安的人 11天前 回复
..问,澳大利亚为什么树上的考拉跑的比袋鼠要慢?拿到卷子直接告诉澳大利亚的政府官员都像考拉,,纳税人就是那个跑的最起劲的气喘吁吁要交更多税的那个纳税公民。所以in no mask准备商量减少公务员85%在澳大利亚开始实施能够提高850%的政府官员为民服务效率。
随遇而安的人 11天前
Souljah85 11天前 回复
不都是common sense嗎?😂答錯超過一半的成年人都該遣返祖籍所在地😂

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