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2016-06-24 来源: 巧克力英语 评论0条

We used to lack many things, such as bikes, radios and nylon things. Thanks to the Party’s good policy, we now lack almost nothing. Just like that we can easily find McDonald’s hamburgers and Kentucky fried chicken in our China, we can even find radios, automatic microwaves, telephones and laser hifi made in China if we peep into an US mall, a mart within a big and tall hall. 

Food, drinks and cigarettes are in different parts of a mall. Chocolate can be at the food part. “Dove” is a brand of chocolate. “Dove Chocolate”, made in Beijing, is well known all over China as Chinese kids love to eat it so much. Chinese kids love oversea things, too. Gum, pie, pudding and pizza are nearly made for them.

Lychee and mango are also at the food part. When kids go out for picnic, they will ask their dad and mom to take lychee and mango for them, as there are many vitamins in lychee and mango. You ask me how the kids eat lychee and mango? They eat after peeling them. Who can eat them with the peel? 

It is no good many Chinese men like very much the cigarettes, such as USA made Marlboro. They don’t mind if it’s good or not for them. They just love those good-looking cigarettes. The nicotine in cigarettes and cigars is no good for us at all. We had better give up smoking. 

Tea is Chinese drink, though many Chinese people still love to drink coffee, beer, coke or soda pop. What are you going to do if you got really big? Now the only thing you can do is to give up drinking those things. Try to drink some diet-ones if you really can’t help yourself. Big as you already are, please do much sport such as ping-pong, other ball games, yoga or even marathon. Dances, like tango and waltz, are also good for you. But it is said that it’s much easier to dance tango than waltz. 

Shopping in a mall, eating diet-food and doing much sport mean that Chinese life is picking up very fast now. Everything in our country shall be better and better if we study and work harder. 

课文注释:1 used to: 强调过去习惯性的行为或状态,但是现在没有这种行为或状态了。2 Thanks to:由于。5 be well known: 家喻户晓。 6 had better:最好。7 give up:放弃。8 can’t help:忍不住。9 it is said that…据说…。10 better and better:越来越好。


A: Do you speak English? 
B: Yes, I do. 
A: Fine. Then, it will be easy for me to talk to you. 
B: Who are you?  
A: I’m a poor student. 
B: No, you are not poor. 
A: Why am I not poor? 
B: Because you have rich English knowledge. And you know that knowledge is money.
A: Do you have any hobbies? 
B: Yes, I do. My hobby is playing mahjong. How about you? 
A: My hobby is watching soccer games on the weekends. Are you interested in going to the soccer game this weekend? 
B: Yes, I am.
A: OK. Let’s go together.
B: If you were to watch a soccer game this weekend, what would you wear?  
A: I am going to wear my cashmere T-shirt. Is that all right?  
B: You’d better wear your jacket. It’s going to be cold this weekend.



让初学者死记硬背eye和 broom 这两个单词是很痛苦的。你不妨这样琢磨以下这两个单词:在英语单词eye中,两个e 相当于两个眼睛,而y相当于鼻子。其实,eye就是眼睛的意思 。在broom中,room是房间的意思。这时,你再看看b像什么? 像不像扫地用的东西?broom就是扫帚的意思。A new broom sweeps clean. 相当于汉语:新官上任三把火。


在记忆了逻辑词汇后,我们知道Poland是波兰的意思,Thailand是泰国的意思。那么,Holland肯定就是荷兰了。有意思的是,我们可以把Holland看成是一句英语爱情缄言首字母的缩写。这句英语爱情缄言是:Hope our love lasts and never die.希望我们的爱天长地久、永不泯灭。


A: Do you speak English? 
B: Yes, I do.
A: Fine. Then, it will be easy for me to talk to you. 
B: Who are you? 
A: I’m a poor student.
B: No, you are not poor. 
A: Why am I not poor? 
B: Because you have rich English knowledge. And you know that knowledge is money.
A: Do you have any hobbies? 
B: Yes, I do. My hobby is playing mahjong. How about you? 
A: My hobby is watching soccer games on the weekends. Are you interested in going to the soccer game this weekend? 
B: Yes, I am.
A: OK. Let’s go together.
B: If you were to watch a soccer game this weekend, what would you wear? 
A: I am going to wear my cashmere T-shirt. Is that all right? 
B: You’d better wear your jacket. It’s going to be cold this weekend.

1 正确朗读课文;
2 熟记课中的英语故事;
3 熟读日常会话。

白小琦《巧克力英语》第六课:幸福的生活 - 1

作者白小琦,陕西省清涧县人,中国首支国家柔道队队员,教育学硕士学位,美国UCLA访问学者,Concordia College汉语及中国文化学分老师,现定居悉尼。

《巧克力英语》版权归作者白小琦所有,任何转载和私自下载存留的行为,需获白小琦书面授权。任何咨询事宜,请邮件至[email protected]



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