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2014-12-10 来源: 今日悉尼 评论19条
今日悉尼讯 澳洲东部时间12月10日 近日,悉尼一名19岁华裔女生在Town Hall火车站遇袭事件备受关注,新州警方也针对此事件做出回应。

警方称,过去几天,网上针对这名华裔女子在Town Hall火车站遇袭的评论很多,我们也针对这些评论做出回应:

网上很多评论称,这名华裔女子是因受到种族歧视而被攻击。我们不能推测袭击的动机,但这看起来更大程度上是一次“伺机性偷袭”(opportunistic attack),受害人和她男友恰好那个时间、那个地点跟两名作案人碰上了。



我们也希望,任何遭遇了种族歧视或攻击的受害人可以拨打Speak Out Hotline1800 131 555。我们会重视每一个投诉电话。


2014年12月7日(周日)晚上11点30分左右,一名19岁的华裔女子和20岁男子通过 George and Bathurst Street入口进入Town Hall火车站。





袭击过程中,19岁的女生昏迷了一会,后来她被带往Town Hall警局,随后被送往St Vincent's医院,之后很快就出院了。


知情人士请拨打灭罪热线1800 333 000或登录网站https://www1.police.nsw.gov.au/,联系警方协助破案。

原文NSW Police Force statement regarding assault and attempted robbery of 19-year-old woman at Town Hall station

Over the past few days there have been a large amount of online commentary about the assault of an Australian woman of Chinese heritage at Town Hall Station.

Our response to the online comments:

Much of the online commentary states that the assault was racially motivated due to the victim, who was of Asian appearance, being the target of racial comments.

We cannot speculate on the motivation of the assault, but it appears this was largely an opportunistic attack - the woman and her partner happened to be in the same place at the same time as the two perpetrators.

We must clarify the victim is an Australian citizen of Chinese heritage and not an international student. As such, the Chinese Consulate is not involved in the matter.

The NSW Police Force takes all crimes seriously.

We are conducting a full investigation of this matter, including any bias-related motivation. Only at the conclusion of the investigation will any comment be made about the motivations of the perpetrators involved in the incident.

We also encourage anyone who experiences racial harrassment to contact the Speak Out Hotline on 1800 131 555. Your phone call will be taken seriously.


The facts:

About 11.30pm on Sunday 7 December 2014, a 19-year-old woman and 20-year-old man walked into Town Hall Station through the George and Bathurst Street entry.

Two women approached the couple from behind and made derogatory remarks towards the pair.

The women followed the couple as they walked down stairs towards Platforms 1 and 2.

Once on the platform, the women assaulted the 19-year-old woman before attempting to steal her mobile phone. The man intervened, taking back the phone.

Two construction workers who were witnesses to the assault pushed the women away. The women then boarded a train bound for Parramatta.

The 19-year-old woman lost consciousness for a short period of time during the assault and was taken to Town Hall Police Station, before being taken to St Vincent's Hospital. She has since been discharged.

Police would like to speak with two women who may be able to assist with inquiries in relation to the incident.

The first woman has been described as being of Pacific Islander appearance, aged in her early 20s, about 168cm tall, with an average build and curly dyed blonde hair with dark brown roots. She was last seen wearing a long-sleeve grey sweatshirt.

The second woman has been described as being of Pacific Islander or Middle Eastern appearance, aged in her early 20s, 155-160cm tall, with a slightly stockier build than the first woman and dark brown hair. She was last seen wearing a horizontal striped black and white shirt, black skirt, and white chunky platform sandals.

Anyone with information about the incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or lodge a report online: https://www1.police.nsw.gov.au/

相关链接:中国人去死?!悉尼华女泪诉Town Hall遭暴打


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