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2012-02-07 来源: 今日悉尼 评论0条


澳洲央行拥有其它许多国家央行不能享有的灵活利率手段,  尤其是在美国的利率创新低而最新两轮政府的印钞对经济增长的影响才开始显现。澳大利亚的非主流经济模式可能没有许多人受益,但它有助于央行在当前复杂的全球市场环境中掌握自己的方向。如今者这种灵活性表现为今天宣布的维持利率不变, 符合市场预期。现在的任务是坐下来重新评估全球发展和去年两次减息的影响。 显然,目前没有通胀的忧虑,因为通胀率仍然在目标2-3%的范围。

底线:我们不会将这次维持利率不变看作澳洲央行改变策略的先兆,而只是其将采取一个灵活,等待观望态度的迹象。如果澳大利亚经济不景导致较预期更多的职位流失,那么灵活利率手段可能需要改变,但目前的情况还是在控制范围的。鉴于美国利率在历史最低水平并将维持至2014年以及澳洲央行在灵活利率模式,澳币在未来数月仍将保持强势,当然这是基于澳洲央行对一些重要宏观经济问题的看法, 比如央行认为欧洲的债务危机已经有所改善。

RBA in flexibility mode

The RBA has the benefit of flexibility in its rate approach, something not many other central banks enjoy – particularly in the US where rates are at record lows and two rounds of money printing have only now started to yield results in economic growth. Australia’s two tier economy might not benefit many individuals but it helps the RBA navigate in the current complex global market environment. That flexibility was today displayed by keeping rates on hold, as we had expected. The task is now to sit back and eva luate global developments and the impact of two 25 basis point cuts last year. Clearly, no sense of panic yet with inflation still in the target 2-3% band.


Bottom line: We don’t see this as a change in course for the RBA but instead a direct indication that it intends to adopt a flexible, wait and see approach. If the Australian economy sheds more jobs than expected and worsens then this flexible approach will need to change but for now things are manageable. With US rates at historical low levels until at least 2014 and the RBA in flexibility mode, the A$ is likely to continue rallying over the coming months, falling on large economic shocks, most likely in Europe where co-incidentally the RBA sees improvement.



Brief Bio of Author

Peter Esho


Peter EshoCity Index亚太区首席市场分析师。近十年他活跃于金融市场并拥有广泛的投资和市场分析工作经验。在加入City Index以前,PeterMorningstar任职高级股市分析师,Morning Star是著名的投资研究机构,专门向金融机构,私人投资者,经济顾问及基金管理公司提供市场研究报告。作为高级股市分析师,Peter的市场研究涉及不同行业,包括银行和金融机构,零售,工程服务及能源板块。 他擅长于金融建模,公司业绩分析,新股上市有关分析,并和机构及零售客户有深入广泛接触。

Peter 拥有悉尼大学的商科学士学位, 专业为金融和会计。并完成了新南威尔士州立大学及澳洲证券协会的相关课程。他还持有RG146 (一级) 金融顾问证书 (专业知识包括: 衍生产品和股票)



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