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[AMA] Travis Gafford问答整理

2017-10-10 来源: 玩加赛事 原文链接 评论0条

[AMA] Travis Gafford问答整理 - 1

Travis Gafford:从2011年开始采访和制作英雄联盟电竞赛事相关节目,曾是雅虎电竞的负责人。


1. 彩虹:外国如何看待edg,rng以及we


I was very surprised by EDG's performance and I think it is unfortunate because it seems like the fans here really, really love them. At least in the arena. WE is hard for me to really root for because they're in the same group as TSM and I would like Doublelift to get out =P. I really like how dominant RNG is, they're fun to watch and it's great to see UZI continue to dominate.

2. jyogan:NA LCS 1000万的席位价格是否过高?如何比较OW、DOTA、CS:GO和LOL在北美的发展前景。


I do not think that $10 million is too expensive, especially when you compare it to Overwatch fees of $20 million. The 10 million shows that the buyers are serious about their commitments and are willing to make a strong investment into the LCS. I am very skeptical about Overwatch esports and today there was an article suggesting that investors downgrade Activision (Blizzard's company) stock because they think Overwatch might fail. Dota is always dota, doesn't seem to go up or down in NA. CSGO is also big but it's hard for any esports business people to make money on it.

3. 是我提莫不够骚吗:你认为lol多久后会被其他游戏超越?是指关注度,在线人数,影响力等方面。


I am very interested in the rise of PUBG. It seems to be taking over the gaming world. I actually wonder if Riot, Blizzard, or Valve will create their own version of PUBG that will become even more popular. I really love the game. All that being said, when people ask me how long League of Legends will last, I always point to World of Warcraft. 7 years ago people said World of Warcraft is dying but the game is still very popular and successful and I continue to play it when new expansions come out so I think it will take a very long time for League to go away.

4. XiaoLL:还记得我吗?我想知道你对武汉粉丝们是怎么看的?话说我很喜欢你的采访。


Hi, yes! It was nice to meet you. It is always exciting when a league fan approaches me in China. I get to meet many fans in the west but in China people rarely say hi. I assume it is because no one in China knows about me. It is unfortunate because the Chinese fans seem so nice and cool!

5. 欧盛:你最喜欢北美哪位职业选手?


I have to say Doublelift, because he is my best friend. NA fans joke that Doublelift is the "main character" of NA LCS because he has been around so long and has such a crazy story. It is hard for me to disagree.

6. 猫助:hello,Travis。你认为未来世界电竞的中心是韩国、中国还是美国?


I think that maybe NA will be the center of esports creation, where the game companies are. China will be the biggest market, where most of the fans are. Korea will be where all of the trophies and prize money goes =P

7. Jireh:你怎么看赛区第一号种子被0-3的问题。


It is surprising to me, but when before I went to Worlds the experts from the west who watch LPL told me that Team WE was actually the strongest LPL team at Worlds, so I expected them to perform better than EDG. I have heard all of the Chinese fans are going crazy about EDG losing so much.

8. 哈吉咩的牛:能不能说一说以前和大师兄同居的趣事呀~


Peter is a great friend and amazing at League of Legends but he was not a good roommate when we lived together, lol! He always forgot to close the freezer door and one time he was screaming so loud in the middle of the night streaming. The security guard tried to get his attention to be quiet and also knocked on the door but Peter did not hear him, so in the morning I woke up to a noise warning from the apartment building.

9. WyWmamba:Which is better, TSM or G2?


TSM! I mean after all, TSM is 2-1 and G2 is 1-2 so far.

10. 集丶:请问你觉得哪支非韩战队今年能走的更远呢


RIght now, it looks like RNG will go the furthest. They are the only team to beat a Korean team and look very dominant. It helps that the fans in China are cheering them on! Also, Uzi is getting a boost from Ardent and he is already very good.

11. laojiao:你对近几年的电竞媒体发展怎么看?


Esports media is a difficult business. In the west, there is still not very much money in esports yet so most of it is going to the leagues and the teams, so it is difficult to make money. There is also not much of the structure compared to what you see in sports media. Many players and team owners still do not understand how to work properly with the media. I end up with many headaches and sometimes think about doing a different job in esports, but telling the stories of the players and the support I receive from fans keeps me going.

12. wakeuplee:最近在中国发生了什么有趣的事吗


Unfortunately, no. It has been a bit hard for me in Wuhan because I have had a hard time finding Western food and I have random problems like bad hotel internet or difficulties finding a cab. I did go to Yellow Crane tower yesterday with Sjokz (the English host) and that was very fun. I think one of these nights I will try to go to one of the clubs with some of my friends and see what we can do!

[AMA] Travis Gafford问答整理 - 2

[AMA] Travis Gafford问答整理 - 3

13. 우습다:谢谢你当初收留Peter. 那么问题来了 bonnie or biofrost

Travis:这个问题很有趣,和我之前在Reddit上被问到的一个问题很像。在没有经过翻译之前我就看到了这个问题,但我只能看懂“Bonnie or Biofrost”这几个字,然后就开始笑了起来。我也把这个问题拍了张照片,发给了Bonnie,她也觉得非常有趣。我觉得我和Doublelift的回答都是一样的:世界赛时选Biofrost,世界赛后选Bonnie。

This is such a funny question to me because it is very similar to questions I receive on english reddit. I actually saw it before it was translated and could only read "Bonnie or Biofrost" in english and started laughing. I sent a picture of the question to Bonnie who thought it was funny too. Maybe I will answer the same Doublelift would answer it: Biofrost during Worlds, Bonnie after Worlds. =)

14. Manu:美国电竞媒体当前的生存状况如何?有哪些困境和机遇?


Yes, there are struggles. For instance, I recently ran Yahoo Esports. It was very fun and I loved my team of colleagues but Yahoo was purchased by another company and they shut down Yahoo Esports. I was very sad about that, so I have been working independently for my own channel right now while I figure out what to do next. That can be difficult too, because it is hard to make money on your own. I think it is also difficult sometimes to criticize things that are wrong in esports because the media doesn't have very much power in this industry. I have been very critical of Overwatch League recently and I think I have made some people angry.

15. 拼却红颜一醉方休:有没有考虑去其他网站去当电竞记者,比如ESPN 腾讯体育




I like ESPN, but they are very serious with their coverage and tend to be more "sports" style. My videos are usually more fun and "gaming" style if that makes sense. They also don't do any video right now, mostly just articles, and I do almost all video. I don't believe Tencent currently has an esports website in English, but I would be happy to talk to them if they wanted to create one =P They do have lolking in NA, but that is more based around the game itself.

16. sumeith:你的微博最终注册成功了吗?


I did not. My name, "Travis" has "av" in it, and I have heard "av" is banned. It's hard to make a Weibo if I cannot use the name everyone knows me as!

17. wwwqer:Travis, 问你个小问题,你和pr0lly到底是什么关系?

Travis:居然还有人记得我和pr0lly做的采访,现在已经很难做到了,因为他目前在EU LCS赛区。他是个很好的人,还很有趣,所以我们喜欢在采访中装作非常讨厌对方。这也就是那些采访为什么都很奇怪的原因。因为有语言障碍,所以不知道你们能不能get到笑点(笑)。

It is funny that people still remember my interviews with pr0lly since I can't interview him now that he is in EU LCS. I like pr0lly a lot and we are good friends. He is a very good person. He's also very funny and so we like to act like we hate each other in interviews. That's why they are always so strange. I don't know how much of the humor crosses the language barrier =P

18. Manu: 如何评价 NA LCS 明年的改革?

Travis:目前我还不知道最终确定下来的战队名单,所以很难说。我的猜测是,CLG、TSM、Cloud9、IMT和Team Liquid都是安全的。其余五支战队我就不是很清楚了,尤其是当我听说大型NBA球队也会踏足。如果在目前——全球总决赛过程中——一些信息透露出来,这会是非常有趣的事情,毕竟我猜测拳头公司快要做好他们的选择了。

It is hard to say yet without knowing what the final teams are. My guess is that CLG, TSM, Cloud9, IMT, and Team Liquid are safe. I do not know how safe the other 5 teams are, especially because I have heard rumors of big NBA teams applying. It will be interesting to see if anything leaks during Worlds, because I imagine Riot is coming close to their selection.

19. 猫助:国外玩家是如何评价“职业选手”的?

Travis:我不认为他们会像某些中国粉丝一样崇拜那些职业选手。我觉得每天晚上看到那些粉丝等在会场门口,高声欢送LPL赛区的战队是一件让人不可思议的事情。我觉得这些差距产生的最大原因是,那些NA LCS的粉丝会觉得职业选手和他们的舍友、同学没什么两样。但是某些职业选手,像Dardoch,就会引起粉丝更大的反应。

I don't think that they "worship" them the way I have seen some Chinese fans worship pro players. It is crazy to see all the fans outside the stadium every night cheering at the bus of the LPL teams. There are lots of fans but I think part of the appeal of esports pros is that they feel like "normal people" - for NA LCS fans, the NA players could just be their roommate or friend from school. There are some players that give stronger responses from the fans like Dardoch, for example.

20. 何由尽离席:hi,你好,说说当年的远赴北美的纯中国lmq战队吧,我有看过你采访他们,你当时如何看待他们在当时北美联赛的取得的不错成绩?

Travis:我很喜欢LMQ,北美的粉丝也是一样的。他们很认真地学习英语,试图通过有趣的视频与粉丝、观众们互动。Vasilii和Xiao Wei Xiao是最多人喜欢的。我认为拳头担心所有战队都会变成全华或全韩班,但是LMQ的存在证明了国外战队也能在北美赛场上展现自己的实力,也能获得许多粉丝。

I really loved LMQ and so did the NA fans. They did a great job of learning English and trying to connect with the NA audience with funny videos. Vasilii and Xiao Wei Xiao were especially fan favorites. I think Riot was afraid of losing all of their teams to full Chinese and Korean teams, but LMQ gave me faith that a foreign team could exist in NA and still gain many fans.

21. 卡尔玛: 您如何看待biofrost这位辅助选手,包括生活中的他。




Biofrost is great. When I first met him he was very shy but he has become more friendly. I think he is very innocent which is why Doublelift loves to tease him so much. I actually have a funny story:

In 2016 I went to Anime Expo with Biofrost, Hauntzer, and Doublelift. While we were all hanging out I said that I saw a comment online that called Biofrost "BioDaddy." Doublelift thought this was the most hilarious thing he had heard and told Biofrost he would only call him "Biodaddy" from then on, and Biofrost groaned. It worked and now many people call him "Biodaddy."

Everyone loves to tease Biofrost.

22. 及溺呼船:如何看待Hauntzer这名选手?是北美史上最强的上单吗?以及预测TSM的世界赛成绩。


I don't know if Hauntzer is the best top laner in NA LCS history. There is still much debate in the west about if people "overhype" him. He has much of his success on Gnar, for instance, who is not the hardest champion to look good with. I do think he is very good, but I am not ready to say he is the best ever. I think TSM can make semi's, though I am very nervous for them after their loss against Misfits.

23. 科利玛擦:请问,你觉得中国举办的s7目前为止你印象最深刻的是什么?美食?氛围?风景?请简单回答即可


I think the fans have left the deepest impression on me. I have traveled to most of the different regions but I have never seen fans like the ones here. The light-up signs and passion is very awesome. I met a great group of SKT fans that gave me SKT signs and gifts in a bag. I interviewed them and they were so nice. It is also worth noting that in other regions, maybe 80-90% of the fans are men. Here it feels like it is 50/50 men and women.

24. 不要_羽毛:如何看待喷子的存在


There are lots of haters in NA and often times the NA players get really terrible messages on twitter. That said, I hear that China and Korean fans come up with the harshest of messages for their teams when they lose. For instance, I hear that when their teams lose overseas, they tell them to "swim back home."

While I find that one particular insult a little funny, I will say that after being around pro players for so long, they can never stop themselves from reading social media and those types of messages can be brutal and terrible for them. It is certainly not a good way to increase your region's chances of winning.

My friend Kelsey Moser who is a western journalist that covers China told me about something Chinese fans do called "sour milk" where they talk about how terrible their teams are in an effort to make them succeed before an event. I find that hilarious.

25. TGOVER:你好,请问:为什么Doublelift近几年的骚话程度比以前收敛了许多?


Doublelift was trash talking a lot in NA, but I think he wants to remain humble at Worlds after such an embarrassing defeat last year. Maybe he will regain his trash talk if he gets out of groups 5-1.

26. 睡不醒:怎么看待d组出线形势

Travis:我认为是Team WE和TSM。我觉得这对你们和我都是双赢局面(笑)。而且我觉得这届全球总决赛在中国举办,所以LPL赛区只有一支战队出线的话肯定不太好,毕竟EDG目前表现不佳。(沮丧)

I want to say Team WE and TSM. Wouldn't it be nice if you guys and I can both have what we want? Also, it would be good to see more than 1 LPL team make it out since Worlds is in China and it's not looking very good for EDG right now =/

27. Tion739962: 作为大师兄的好朋友,怎么看待大师兄对uzi一直以来那么高的评价


I think it is because Uzi is an ADC legend in the west and Doublelift is always willing to give praise to the players that he really respects.

28. 知名反派角色:TSM在接受采访时说能取胜是因为比赛前的训练赛,让他们做了更好的BP,更有人猜测是edg泄露了bp。Travis怎么看呢?


If these rumors have made their way to the english community, I have not heard of them. I also would not have any extra information because I don't really talk to TSM during Worlds outside of interviews, even Doublelift.

29. Wenyu:你是如何在电竞领域找到工作的呢?这也是我的梦想工作,我想知道如何找到踏入电竞领域的机会?


I get this question frequently on reddit as well. It was really just several good opportunities. I had just started living with Doublelift and he suggested that I start interviewing pro players. I was looking for a job and thought it would be a good thing for a resume. I also realized that at the time, no one was making content around the pro players. When I saw that fans liked it, I just stayed dedicated to creating content and getting better. My advice is always "just start doing something" - can be writing, video, hosting small tournaments, whatever, but you'll learn a lot just by doing something.

30. 南方毒人:您好,您觉得lck和其他赛区最大的差距在什么方面


The biggest gap is the gap between first and second place =P But to answer seriously, it is hard to say. It is probably a combination of things. I have heard that Korean solo queue is very focused on succeeding and winning, so that might create a better environment for players to become great. I think it is helpful that esports has been so popular in Korea for so long so they have a lot of experienced coaches and staff. Ultimately, it is hard to say one thing.

31. SKTelecom㍿:请问你怎么看待eu某些战队想要加入na?

Travis:这向我们展示了NA LCS是很好的赛区,所以起初他们所有的选手都想加入我们的战队,现在就连他们的战队也想加入我们的联赛!开个玩笑,但是我觉得这实在是体现出了欧洲赛区的财务状况。其实我也不觉得北美赛区的财政状况能好到哪里去,但是我觉得投资北美赛区的生意人愿意承担更大的风险。

It just goes to show that NA LCS is so good, that at first all their players wanted to join our teams, now their teams want to join our league! Just kidding, but I do think that it shows some issues with the financial situation in Europe. I actually don't think that our financial situation is much better in NA, but I think NA business people in esports are just willing to lose more money than Europeans are.

32. 慢慢慢慢慢热: 你觉得LZ SKT RNG谁会夺冠?


I am confused, why didn't you list Cloud9, TSM, or Immortals?

33. HBK666:你觉得SKT的状态算好吗? 我是说Huni好像做到了他该做的事,而Bang也在后期打出了应有的输出,但他们在前期看起来很弱,很容易被撕碎


I am a little worried for SKT. The players don't seem to be in the best of mood when I see them other than maybe Wolf (who is always in a good mood). I would not be surprised to see them drop a game this coming week and this might be the toughest Worlds they've ever faced.

34. CriTicaL:欢迎来到玩加!有些队伍在赛区内具有统治力,但在世界赛表现很差。比如说EDG、FW、G2、还有TSM,这些队伍在赛区内拥有绝对统治力,但是在世界赛就会表现糟糕,甚至比三号种子还要差,这是为什么呢?


It may be because when you are dominant in your own region, you may not face the challenge that forces you to find multiple ways to win through different strategies. Doublelift said in an interview with me this summer split that TSM knew they could win every game in LCS if they just used the same strategy, but they forced themselves to try different approaches so they could be more versatile at Worlds.

35. Manu: 最后一个问题,这期AMA的感受如何,如何评价wanplus的讨论气氛。





Yes, I love the Chinese fans! I actually requested to do this AMA and I am very thankful that Wanplus was willing to host it and help with the translations. I have had such a good experience this past week that I just wanted to find a better way to connect with all of you.

All of the questions I was asked seemed very polite, though maybe the less polite ones did not get translated to me =P I will assume you were all very nice to me.

My only real complaint with the Chinese gaming audience is how well the Warcraft movie did over here, because it was one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

Anyway, if any of you have any suggestions for me or ideas, please feel free to reply to this message with them! I'll try and find another Chinese speaker to read them to me later. Thank you so much for all the great questions and your time!

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