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英语新闻|Splendid sunset glow shines in Qingdao

2021-07-09 来源: 搜狐 原文链接 评论0条



英语新闻|Splendid sunset glow shines in Qingdao - 1

Qingdao residents experience a stunning sunset on July 6, as different shades of light reflected off clouds. [Photo by Cui Chao/guanhai.com.cn]

英语新闻|Splendid sunset glow shines in Qingdao - 2

The evening glow glimmers over the urban coastal area of Qingdao, Shandong province on July 6. [Photo by Cui Chao/guanhai.com.cn]

英语新闻|Splendid sunset glow shines in Qingdao - 3

The sunset glow creates a violet sky spectacle on the evening of July 6 in Qingdao, Shandong province. [Photo by Cui Chao/guanhai.com.cn]

英语新闻|Splendid sunset glow shines in Qingdao - 4

The eastern coastal city of Qingdao, Shandong province is covered by a bright evening glow on July 6. [Photo by Wang Hua/guanhai.com.cn]

英语新闻|Splendid sunset glow shines in Qingdao - 5

The photo captures the view of the evening glow on July 6 in Qingdao, Shandong province. [Photo by Wang Hua/guanhai.com.cn]

Source:CHINA DAILY-Charming Qingdao

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