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2021-08-19 来源: 搜狐 原文链接 评论0条

(The Medici Family Collaborates with Lordspek Jewelry: Can They Create Magnificence again?)


In August 2021, LORDSPEK, seller of Chinese collector’s grade colored gemstones, signed an agreement with the Medici family, “Godfather of the Renaissance”, to expand the Chinese fashion and high-end jewelry markets. The goals of this cooperation are to integrate European jewelry culture into Oriental jewelry fashion and bring the European jewelry Renaissance to China. This cooperation will also provide the public with a unique entrepreneurship platform.

美第奇家族签约劳德珠宝,能否再创辉煌? - 1

拥有“文艺复兴教父”之美誉的美第奇家族,发掘、资助、保护了文艺复兴时期的众多艺术家、科学家、文学家,其中囊括了文艺复兴三杰:被称为“文艺复兴时期最完美代表”的全才列奥纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)、雕塑艺术的杰出代表米开朗基罗·博纳罗蒂(Michelangelo Buonarroti)、肖像画先驱者桑德罗·波提切利(Sandro Botticelli)。同时,他们也资助并保护了伟大的物理学之父伽利略·伽利雷(Galileo Galilei)。此外,还有哲学家皮科·德拉·米兰多拉(Pico della Mirandola)、诗人波利齐亚诺(Poliziano)、建筑学家菲利普·布鲁内莱斯基(Filippo Brunelleschi)、艺术理论家乔尔乔·瓦萨里(Giorgio Vasari)等人,也都受到过美第奇家族的帮助与扶持。不得不说,美第奇家族成就了人类文明复兴与全盛时期的辉煌,对于世界人文艺术的贡献也难以估量。

The Medici family, known as "Godfather of the Renaissance", discovered, funded and protected a variety of artists, scientists and writers during the Renaissance, including the three Renaissance giants: Leonardo da Vinci, the quintessential Renaissance artist; Michelangelo Buonarroti, the foremost sculptor of the Renaissance; and Sandro Botticelli, the pioneer of the portrait. The Medici family also funded and protected Galileo Galilei, the father of physics. Pico della Mirandola the Philosopher, Poliziano the Poet, Filippo Brunelleschi the Architect, and Giorgio Vasari the Art Theorist are but some of the great names that were also assisted and supported by the Medici family. Needless to say, The Medici family helped bring about a brilliant revival of human civilization and its contribution to the world's arts and humanities is immeasurable.

美第奇家族签约劳德珠宝,能否再创辉煌? - 2

美第奇家族不仅在艺术领域发挥着举足轻重的地位,在金融、政治、时尚领域,也不断改变着人类社会的进程。美第奇家族创立了全世界最早的多元化经营银行,运用多种经营模式使美第奇银行迅速扩张至全欧洲,积累了惊人的财富,使得美第奇家族不仅牢牢掌握着佛罗伦萨的金融业,更获得了佛罗伦萨的行政权力。使得家族中出现了七位托斯卡纳大公爵、四任教皇、两任法国皇后。他们对世界政治局势有着深远的影响,同时也推动了全球时尚潮流的进程。其中最值得一提的是美第奇家族中的两位女性传承人——法国国王查理九世的母亲凯瑟琳•德•美第奇(Catherine de’ Medici)和法国国王路易十三的母亲玛丽•德•美第奇(Marie de’ Medici),她们开启并引领了整个欧洲乃至全球的时尚。可以说,美第奇家族的贡献,不只影响了意大利、欧洲,也改变了全世界。

Besides playing a decisive role in the history of the arts, the Medici family has also influenced the direction of human society through its contributions to finance, politics and fashion. They founded the world’s first diversified bank, and using a variety of business models, rapidly expanded the bank throughout Europe to accumulate vast wealth. As a result, the Medici family not only had a firm hold on the financial industry of Florence, but also obtained administrative power. The family has given rise to seven Tuscan Grand Dukes, four popes and two French queens. They have had a far-reaching impact on the world’s politics and have promoted global fashion trends. Catherine de’ Medici, mother of France’s King Charles IX, and Marie de’ Medici, mother of France’s King Louis XIII, were two female heirs of the Medici family who both established and led fashion trends across Europe and even the globe. The contributions of the Medici family have not only deeply affected Italy and Europe, but have also changed the world.

美第奇家族签约劳德珠宝,能否再创辉煌? - 3

时至今日,美第奇家族新掌门人洛伦佐·德·美第奇王子(Prince Lorenzo de' Medici)承继文艺复兴时期被称为“伟大的洛伦佐”(Lorenzo The Magnificent)的祖先的敏锐艺术洞悉力和天分,致力于艺术品投资,如投资收藏古今最著名天才,诸如达·芬奇、拉斐尔、毕加索和莫迪利亚尼等人的画作。作为国际知名的艺术家和艺术品投资专家,他运作的艺术品交易价格超过5亿美元。另外,在商业投资领域,洛伦佐王子创立的美第奇国际银行(Medici International Bank),在银行业有着举足轻重的地位。

Today, Prince Lorenzo de’ Medici, the Medici family’s new head, inherits the keen artistic skills and talents of his Renaissance ancestor “Lorenzo the Magnificent”. He is committed to investing in and collecting masterpieces of the most famous talents in ancient and modern times, such as Da Vinci, Raphael, Picasso, Modigliani and others. As an internationally renowned artist and art investment expert, his art transactions have exceeded US $500 million. In the field of commercial investment, Prince Lorenzo has founded Medici International Bank, one of the most important banks in the industry.

美第奇家族签约劳德珠宝,能否再创辉煌? - 4

洛伦佐·德·美第奇王子希望通过与劳德珠宝的合作,为时尚界提供极具当代艺术感的特色珠宝首饰,让每一位珠宝爱好者都能体验到珠宝时尚的魅力所在。此次合作的首饰将通过不同平台展示推出。作为劳德珠宝旗下的轻奢品牌,LD Jeunys于及珠宝将于9月份正式更名为LD·美第奇·Jeunys珠宝,将是此次合作的重要平台之一。

Prince Lorenzo de’ Medici hopes to cooperate with LORDSPEK to provide the fashion industry with unique contemporary jewelry art, so that every gemstone lover can experience the allure of jewelry. The jewelry that is the product of this cooperation will be launched and displayed on a variety of platforms. One important platform is LD Jeunys Jewelry, LORDSPEK’s affordable luxury brand, which will be officially renamed LD · Medici · Jeunys Jewelry in September.

美第奇家族签约劳德珠宝,能否再创辉煌? - 5

美第奇家族签约劳德珠宝,能否再创辉煌? - 6


Both the Medici family and LORDSPEK hope this cooperation will bring the unique artistic values of the Medici family and cutting-edge jewelry culture to China. They also look forward to bringing the essence of Chinese culture overseas, so that the beauty of jewelry art can be enjoyed worldwide and business opportunities can be created for all lovers of jewelry.

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