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英语新闻|Shinan's old town area revamped to embrace rapid progress

2021-12-22 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条


八大关“重开” 历史城区敞开怀抱

The Shinan district of Qingdao – a port city located in East China's Shandong province – is famed for its natural, historical and cultural sites and visitors to it often take in a multitude of vibrant colors: buildings adorned with vivid red roof tiles, lush and verdant trees, clear skies and the piercing blue sea.

Nowadays, the district is revivifying its cultural tourism attractions, to create new hot spots that are being customized to the latest trends in what visitors and locals want.

These days people can't seem to get enough of the Qingdao Western Old Town, which is currently undergoing a revamp. In recent years, the old buildings and blocks in Shinan – by being reactivated – have brought dynamic commercial and economic benefits, attracting more than 40 new businesses to settle there.

The Badaguan Scenic Area is a historic residential area known for its European-style villas, overlooking the striking coastline of the district.

Over the past year, key projects in the scenic area have made rapid progress. Fashion and cultural activities have also been held frequently, including creative markets and a French culture festival.

Furthermore, the Badaguan Scenic Area · Taipingjiao Boutique tourism service industry agglomeration area was selected as a 2021 Qingdao Modern Service Industry Agglomeration Area.

Source:CHINA DAILY-Charming Qingdao

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