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Famous Pigs in Pop Culture

2021-12-27 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

�� Pop culture around the world~

It's finally the Year of the Pig! Or is it boar? Or swine?

Each year represents certain auspiciousness and specific traditions we all must do. And don't forget to wear your red underwear if it's your year! For good luck, of course.

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He waited on the banks of a river and decided that he would award the years to the animals in the order they came across.

Some used tricks to secure passage, like the Rat who hitched a ride aboard the Ox, or the Snake who hid inside the Horses hoof, while others relied on their natural abilities, like the Rabbit who hopped from stone to stone, or the Dragon who simply flew...

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But where was the Pig?

According to legend, the Pig was late because it got hungry halfway through the race and took a detour to hunt for some food. After filling its grumbling belly, the Pig took a nap.

We can totally believe that.

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Were you born in the Year of the Pig?

Do you have any of these traits?

Friendly, gentle, lazy, straightforward, kindhearted, generous, diligent, romantic, impulsive, stubborn, temperamental, and gullible

Famous People Born in Pig Years

Weird Al, Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger, Julie Andrews, OJ Simpson, Luciano Pavarotti, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hillary Clinton, Magic Johnson, Emily Blunt, Pepe, Chris Hemsworth, Mariah Carey, and Aaron Rodgers

Famous Pigs in Pop Culture

Miss Piggy

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Winnie the Pooh

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Toy Story

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Porky Pig & Petunia

Merrie Melodies / Looney Tunes

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Charlotte's Webb

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Peppa Pig & Family

Peppa Pig

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Animal Farm

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Peter Porker


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Dennis the Menace

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

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South Park

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Which pig can you relate to the most in your life?

Share this article on your Moments with the tagline "My spirit pig is _____ from _____" and insert your answer...

And finally, any famous pigs from your country that we missed? Let us know below!

And Happy Lunar New Year, everyone~

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