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1995年都彭限量版钢笔自然元素系列LES ELEMENTS

2022-02-15 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

1995年都彭限量版钢笔自然元素系列LES ELEMENTS - 1


1995年都彭限量版钢笔自然元素系列LES ELEMENTS - 2


1995年都彭限量版钢笔自然元素系列LES ELEMENTS - 3

The beginning of life, nature and its mysteries.The source of all creation is the water that gives life, the fire that maintains it.the earth that shelters it and the air that makes everything possible.These four elements are united in a unique and exceptional collection, highlighted by the combination of gold and Chinese lacquer.

1995年都彭限量版钢笔自然元素系列LES ELEMENTS - 4

Dupont has chosen to pay homage to nature by creating four magnificent pens revealing the goldsmith's delicate art, where rebellious and virtuoso curves combine.On each pen, two shining diamonds set off the clip.This limited collection consists of four fountain pens representing the different elements[water, fire ,air and earth]:200 of each.

1995年都彭限量版钢笔自然元素系列LES ELEMENTS - 5

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