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2022-05-11 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

记者 王建伟 翻译 王晓莹 海报设计 帅为 牛长靖


Shandong boasts a time-honored history and rich culture. It is an important cradle of the Chinese civilization and the birthplace of the Confucian culture, thus enjoying the name of the Hometown of Confucius and Mencius and the State of Proprieties and Ceremonies. A galaxy of thinkers, statesmen, military strategists and scientists, such as Confucius, Mencius, Sunzi and Mozi, were born here.

深耕齐鲁大地,齐鲁晚报•齐鲁壹点扛起新型主流媒体的责任担当,不断加强国际传播能力建设,讲好山东故事,传播好山东声音,积极推动以儒学为主干的中华优秀传统文化走出去。为进一步做好好客山东、好人山东、好品山东的推介,报道好山东丰富多彩的对外交流活动,齐鲁晚报•齐鲁壹点今日重磅推出对外传播品牌“WOW!Shandong”,全新上线对外传播频道,首批推出“Shandong Calendar”“Bilingual Analects of Confucius”“The Sacred Sagas of Confucius”“Shandong Live”等系列双语产品,让外国友人更好地了解山东、关注山东,向世界立体地展示好一个繁荣发展、开放自信的新山东。

Deeply rooted in Shandong Province, Qilu Evening News & Qilu Yidian shoulders the responsibility of new mainstream media, continues to strengthen the capacity for international communication, further tells the stories and spreads the voice of Shandong Province, and shares Chinese fine traditional culture with other countries, Confucianism as the core. In order to further promote Shandong’s hospitality, good quality products and good people, as well as report on the colorful foreign exchanges of Shandong Province in a better way, Qilu Evening News & Qilu Yidian will launch a new foreign-oriented publicity brand “Wow! Shandong” and an international communication channel, launch a series of bilingual products such as “Shandong Calendar ” “Bilingual Analects of Confucius ”“The Sacred Sagas of Confucius ”“Shandong Live” for the first batch, to attract more foreigners know about and understand Shandong culture, present a prosperous, open and confident new Shandong Province to the world.


Later,we will launch more abundant product lines. The series of products will be simultaneously spread on both domestic and overseas social media such as the app of Qilu Yidian, Weibo and Wechat of Qilu Evening News and twitter, in the forms of texts and pictures, interactive posters, videos and audios. Please keep focus.

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