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3rd-generation artificial hearts widely applied in China | 我国第三代人工心脏辅助装置推广应用

2022-07-19 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

China’s first patient with a third-generation maglev artificial heart was discharged from Beijing Anzhen Hospital on July 11.

The heart weighs 186 grams, equivalent to a pocket watch.

According to Gong Ming, deputy director of the Heart and Lung Transplant Center of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, the third-generation artificial heart uses maglev and hydraulic suspension technologies and has been adopted clinically.

Compared to the first and second generation artificial heart, or a ventricular assist device (VAD), the third-generation VAD can effectively reduce complications, its damage to blood is limited, and it is unlikely to form thrombosis, said Gong. It is small in size and easy to install, which makes it suitable for long-term wear, Gong added.

China had about 8.9 million patients suffering from heart failure in 2020. Five to seven percent of those cases were end-stage heart disease.

"Medicine and operations are generally used to treat end-stage heart disease, but these methods are not fit for all patients,” Gong said.

Some patients are recommended by doctors for heart transplants, but they may not qualify for matching hearts due to a shortage of donors and strict transplant standards. Artificial hearts then become an option for those with end-stage heart disease.

"A number of third-generation artificial heart assist devices are available for commercial use in China now, and those under clinical trials also perform well,” said Gong.

"China's medical device industry has entered an era of vigorous development,” Gong added.

Source: Ecns.cn

Editor: Gao Xin

Senior Editor: Tian Minjia

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