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2022-09-20 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

The SCHROEDAHL pump protection valve.

SCHROEDAHL invented the pump protection valve and is the world market leader in this sector.

Pump protection valves are required to ensure the minimum flow rate of a pump at all times. This protects the pump against overheating, cavitation and finally, destruction. If the flow through the pump falls below a certain level the bypass system opens and the fluid will be recirculated providing the required minimum flow for the pump.

The SCHROEDAHL- pump protection valves work in a modulating way. Should the discaharge increase through the following processes, then the amount of fluid recirculated by the bypass is automatically reduced- and vice versa. This increases the efficiency of the entire system and optimises the economy in the low-load operation.

The pump protection works entirely over the inside valve technology. The volume by which the process decreases is measured independent of the pressure – the amount returned over the bypass is adapted automatically.

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