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《英雄联盟》S12主题曲歌词分享 Star Walkin'歌词展示

2022-09-23 来源: 游民星空 原文链接 评论0条



《英雄联盟》S12主题曲叫做Star Walkin',相信很多玩家也已经看了最新的MV了。下面为大家带来《英雄联盟》S12主题曲歌词分享,希望对大家有用。

《英雄联盟》S12主题曲歌词分享 Star Walkin'歌词展示 - 1

Don't ever say it's over if I'm breathin'racin' to the moonlight and I'm speedin'I'm headed to the starsready to go farI'm star walkin'Don't ever say it's over if I'm breathin'racin' to the moonlight and I'm speedin'I'm headed to the starsready to go farI'm star walkin'

on the mission to get high upI know that I'm a die reachinfor a life that I don't really need at allnever listened to replieslearned a lesson from the wiseyou should never take adivicefrom a nigga that ain't trythey said I wouldn't make it out alivethey told me it would never see the risethat's why I'm gotta kill 'em every timeDon't ever say it's over if I'm breathin'racin' to the moonlight and I'm speedin'I'm headed to the starsready to go farI'm star walkin'Don't ever say it's over if I'm breathin'racin' to the moonlight and I'm speedin'I'm headed to the starsready to go farI'm star walkin'

Been that nigga since I came out my mammathankin' god daddy never wore a condomprove 'em wrong every time 'til it's normalwhy worship legends when you know that you can join 'emthese niggas don't like methey don't like methey want to fight mecome on,try it out,try methey put me downbut I never cried outword from the wisedon't put worth inside a nigga that ain't trythey said I wouldn't make it out alivethey told me it would never see the risethat's why I'm gotta kill 'em every time

Don't ever say it's over if I'm breathin'racin' to the moonlight and I'm speedin'I'm headed to the starsready to go farI'm star walkin'Don't ever say it's over if I'm breathin'racin' to the moonlight and I'm speedin'I'm headed to the starsready to go farI'm star walkin'

Don't ever say it's over if I'm breathin'racin' to the moonlight and I'm speedin'I'm headed to the starsready to go farI'm star walkin'



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