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Notice for Subscription to IMI English Academic Periodicals

2022-11-17 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

Dear Readers:

Aiming to further expand the influence of IMI academic achievements and provide high-quality academic reference to researchers and market practitioners in a more timely manner, the 2023 calendar year subsciption of IMI English academic periodicals will start from November 17.

1. Introduction to IMI English academic periodicals

International Monetary Review (Quarterly)

International Monetary Review (IMR) is an English academic quarterly published by IMI, with Prof. Ben Shenglin, Co-Director of IMI and Dean of Zhejiang University International Business School, as the Editor-in-Chief and Mr. Herbert Poenisch, Member of IMI International Committee and Former Senior Economist of BIS, as the Managing Editor. Following the principle of including both Chinese and western merits with precise and practical academic spirit, IMR includes commentaries, working papers and research reports carrying cutting-edge researches in international Finance, macroeconomic theory and policy, financial regulation, fintech and wealth management. IMR comes out in the middle of the first month of each quarter.

IMR invites submission of articles across a broad range of issues related to economic and financial development in China and the world.

Scan the QR code below to read a sample issue

IMI Research Weekly

IMI Research Weekly is an online English weekly publication distributed via email on every Wednesday. It is comprised of three academic commentaries covering a braod range of up-to-date topics in monetary and financial field.

Scan the QR code below to read a sample issue

2. Subion instructions

(1) Subions are open to individuals and institutions.

(2) For subscribers of the e-version, we will send the periodicals via email within one week after publication. For subscribers of hard copies, we will send IMR to your designated address by postal express after publication ASAP.

(3) To subscribe, please send the name of the periodical, the mode of subion (e-version / hard copy), and your contact info [email protected] the email subject “2023 subion”. For hard copy subscribers, please also leave your address.

(4) Your subsctiption beforeDecember 20will be appreciated. The first 10 hard-copy subscribers will receive a gift of 3 books by IMI, Conference Proceedings of Macro-Finance Salon (Vol. I-III) . The gift will be delivered together with the first issue of the journal.

Contact information:

Email: [email protected]






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