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CBN Friday Special丨“No.1 central document” in-depth: Why is soybean security important to China?

2023-02-17 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

Hello! Welcome to this edition of CBN Friday Special. I’m Stephanie Li.

Soybeans, accounting for the highest proportion of China's food imports, were mentioned eight times in China's No.1 central document of 2023 issued on Monday, more than any other food crop mentioned.

The document, released by China's central authorities at the start of each year, is a key indicator of policy priorities for the year ahead. In this annual rural policy blueprint, the State Council, China’s cabinet, reiterated a recently stated goal to boost grain production capacity by 50 million tons, from current production of more than 650 million tons, state news agency Xinhua reported.

“The primary task of a strong agricultural country is to ensure national food security,” agriculture minister Tang Renjian said at a news conference on Tuesday on the policy blueprint. His comments referred to the central government’s stated plan to build a “strong agricultural country” to support China’s development.

This year’s statement also said the government will boost subsidies for corn and soybean producers, pilot test soybean full cost insurance and planting income insurance, and promote substitutes to soybean meal as animal feed.

According to data from the General Administration of Customs of China, China imported a total of 146.87 million tons of grains in 2022, the bulk of which consisted of soybeans at an impressive 91.08 million tons. In 2022, China spent a total of $82.65 billion on imported grain, of which $61.24 billion was spent on soybeans.

In 2022, the international grain market was turbulent as witnessed by the sharp fluctuation in grain prices. Under the circumstances, though China's rations are under no immediate threat, the strategic security of soybeans, which is heavily dependent on overseas markets, has become increasingly prominent.

China is facing severe external risks and challenges amid a complicated and ever-changing international situation. Domestic production and consumption will be tightly balanced for a long time, so China must always have a sense of crisis about its grain security, which has improved markedly.

Beijing has long placed an emphasis on national security, including in terms of food and seeds. The global price turbulence and looming food crisis stemming from the Ukraine conflict have served as further reminders to China that it should reduce its reliance on foreign markets for key crops and commodities.

China listed soybean expansion as "a major political task to be accomplished" in 2022. And last year’s soybean output and cropland area reached record highs, while Beijing hopes to raise domestic soybean output by 40% to 23 million tons by 2025.

Attaining larger soybean yields while reducing China's dependency on external sources has been high on the government's agenda as it seeks to ensure there is enough food for 1.4 billion people.

The domestic output of soybeans - a major oilseed and animal feed - reached 20.28 million tons in 2022, marking a year-on-year increase of 23.7%. It was the first time the country produced more than 20 million tons.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MOA) aims to expand growing areas for soybean and oil crops by at least 660,000 hectares this year, and raise the self-sufficiency rate for cooking oil production by 1 percentage point.

Soybean cropland amounted to 10.2 million hectares (25.2 million acres) in 2022, an increase of about 21% from 2021, the largest amount of land used for soybean production since 1958. Rapeseed output edged up 1.1% to 36.53 million tons last year.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the area planted with soybeans peaked at 12.73 million hectares in 1957. Cultivation of the crop started contracting in the 1990s after it was edged out by more lucrative cash crops such as corn.

China used to be the world's largest producer of soybeans until the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45), but now buys up to 80% of its needs on the global market.

This increase in domestic output coincided with a decline in soybean imports last year, and the import total is expected to keep falling in the coming years. According to data released by China customs last month, soybean imports declined by 8.1%, year on year, during the first 11 months of 2022.

China's soybean self-sufficiency rate is estimated to have reached 18.5% in 2022, which would mark a year-on-year increase of 3 percentage points, according to the MOA. The increased supply of the crop, coupled with a national campaign to encourage frugality in the catering sector, has resulted in a 1.6 percentage point increase in the self-sufficiency rate of China's overall cooking oil production.

China’s Soybean Revitalization Scheme was introduced with the release of the 2019 No. 1 central document, amid a backdrop of the country’s heavy reliance on imports of the legume.

The sense of urgency to increase domestic soybean production ramped up in late 2021 after the domestic yield shrank by 16.4%, year on year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

The country's agricultural ministry told local governments in late 2021 that enlarging soybean and oil crop planting was "a major political task" to be completed in 2022. Last year, China launched initiatives to improve the capacity of soybean production, focusing on crop rotations. The project has got off to a "good start", said Pan Wenbo, director of the Planting Management Department under the MOA.

"But in general, there is still a large gap between China's soybean production and demand," said Pan, who added that China will continue to increase the plantation of soybean and other oilseed crops in 2023.

And soybean imports appear to have already hit their peak level and will gradually decline through 2030 as Beijing continues its effort to double down on food security, according to a new report, while most of those imports comprised genetically modified (GMO) soybeans from the United States, Brazil and Argentina, with Brazil being the largest supplier to China.

Brazil has been increasingly taking some of the market share of Chinese exports from the US since the US-China trade tension began in 2018, when the share of Brazilian soybean exports to China exceeded 75% while the US market share plunged to 19%, according a report by Rabobank, a Dutch multinational banking and financial services company.

China is the world's largest soybean importer, accounting for more than 60% of global trade. In 2022, China imported an estimated 94-95 million tons of soybeans, the report said.

China's annual soybean consumption in recent years has been around 110 million tons. More than 85% of that is used for crushing and consumption to meet the needs of animal feed and oil. Less than 15% is used for food consumption.

"Soymeal is the key feed protein source in China, accounting for 70% of volume as Chinese livestock farmers believed high-protein diets could ensure animal health and accelerate growth," the report said.

However, China introduced the concept of low-protein feed formula in 2018, in the face of uncertainties surrounding external supplies, and the agriculture ministry continued to issue further guidelines to reduce soybean meal use in the last couple of years.

The Rabobank report said China's soybean imports peaked in 2020, and that the inclusion rate of soybean meal in feed rations is projected to drop from 15.3% in 2021 to 13.5% in 2025, and then to 12% by 2030.

"A slowdown and eventual reduction in China's soybean imports will reshape global trade flows," the report said.

While China will remain the largest importer, additional growth will shift from China to other regions and mainly be driven by emerging economies in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and South Asia.

Back in domestic focus, in order to help raise soybean output, the 2023 document called for the continued promotion of intercropping soybeans with corn and developing saline land for soybeans.

China will increase its efforts to boost output of soybeans and edible oils, “vigorously” promote rapeseed production on fallow land during winter months, as well as lesser known oilseed crops such as camellia, according to the document, while also supporting the development of rotational planting of grain and soybean in the northeast and northern Huang-Huai-Hai Plain.

Beijing also plans to speed up the pace of commercialization of biotech corn and soybeans, according to the document, which should eventually help raise yields. Though no specific time frame was provided for the launch of genetically modified corn and soybeans, many market observers expect a launch this year.

China’s reliance on overseas producers has also directly exposed its soybean farmers to fierce pricing competition from imported GMO soybeans. Farmers are not only faced with the pressure of rising cultivation costs, but also have to compete with low-cost, high-yield imports to find a market for locally produced soybeans.

Foreign soybeans, especially those sourced from the US, are a high-yielding GMO variety, combined with low land costs, and large-scale industrial farming. The price of American soybeans flooding the market through Hong Kong is far lower than the market price of soybeans locally produced in Heilongjiang.

As farmers are most concerned about the stability of costs and income, this year’s No.1 document pledged to continue to raise subsidy level for soybean producers and implement the pilot scheme of two types of agricultural insurance.

2月13日《中共中央 国务院关于做好2023年全面推进乡村振兴重点工作的意见》发布,这是21世纪以来第20个指导“三农”工作的中央一号文件。粮食安全是“国之大者”,也是中央一号文件的关注重点。
















大豆属于土地密集型农产品,产量相对较低,特别是国内种植的非转基因大豆,产量更低。和美国、巴西等国家的转基因大豆相比,其平均单产大约3190公斤/公顷,而2022年,国内大豆单产仅为1980公斤/公顷。因此,从单产上来讲, 国产大豆仍有较大的提升空间。据估算如果国产大豆单产提高20%,按照2022年1.54亿亩计算,产量可在2022年创纪录的2029万吨的基础上,再增加500万吨。






Executive Editor: Sonia YU

Editor: LI Yanxia

Host: Stephanie LI

Writer: Stephanie LI

Sound Editor: Stephanie LI

Graphic Designer: ZHENG Wenjing, LIAO Yuanni

Produced by 21st Century Business Herald Dept. of Overseas News.

Presented by SFC

编委: 于晓娜






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