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2023-03-21 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

big-headed: behaving in a way that shows that you think you are very important or intelligent zi 自大的,自负的

That guy was big-headed, he thought he was the smartest person in the world.

I don't want to sound big-headed, but I thought my picture was the best.

down-to-earth: someone who is practical and close to reality, who accepts other people as equals 实际的;脚踏实地;现实的

Despite his wealth, he was a down-to-earth man.

Gloria is probably the most down to earth person I've ever met.

slave driver: someone who makes other people work really hard 逼迫他人拼命干活儿的人;苛刻的上司

My boss is such a slave driver. I had to work two weekends in a row.

He was a very kind person but could be a slave driver.

have a short fuse: someone who has a tendency to get angry quickly/easily 脾气暴躁的,易怒的

fuse /fjuːz/ 保险丝,熔丝;导火线,引信

I don't think he should become a teacher, he has such a short fuse.

The boss is known to have a short fuse.

I'm usually a pretty calm person, but whenever I start driving I find I have such a short fuse.

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