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One out of every five lychees globally comes from Maoming

2023-04-13 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

Maoming, a southern city in China known as the world's largest lychee producer, embraces a total planting area of more than 92,666 hectares with an annual output of over 500,000 tons, accounting for about 1/2 of Guangdong's total, 1/4 of the country's and 1/5 of the world's.

Maoming boasts a thousand-year history of lychee cultivation. Currently, there are more than 350 lychee trees over a thousand years in Maoming, over 1,000 over 500 years, and 19,400 over 100 years.

With projects such as the Maoming Lychee National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park, the China Lychee & Longan Industry Conference, the China Lychee Expo Center, and the China National Lychee Germplasm Resource Nursery settled in Maoming, the lychee industrial chain here has been upgraded comprehensively from production, cultivation, product processing and marketing, contributing to over 10 billion yuan value.

Over the past few years, the lychee industry in Maoming has developed a new arena of e-commerce express that distinguishes it from traditional transport in sales by upgrading each link of the supply chain.

Officially launched in 2013, the Maoming Lychee Delivery Project has sent over 200,000 lychee parcels, creating new paths for sales. By 2022, the volume of lychee delivery service in Maoming has reached 13 million pieces.

Under the guidance of the Maoming government, a number of courier brands have increased their investment in the market, establishing processing centers for cold storage, pre-processing and distribution in the main production areas of lychee in Maoming, together with a backbone network of cold chain logistics infrastructure for agricultural products covering the main areas of both lychee production and sales, thus realising the connection from field to table.

Catalyzed by the market, lychee e-commerce businesses in Maoming have conducted multifaced cooperation, which enables e-commerce sales to serve as a major way for higher prices and larger scale of lychee sales.

Lychee cultivation in Maoming is now backed by strong technology, with quality platforms such as digital management platforms for lychee industrial parks. At present, in addition to the sale of fresh fruit, enterprises in Maoming also produce more than 30 kinds of deep-processing products such as dried lychee, lychee pork, canned lychee, lychee wine, lychee fermented drinks, which effectively extend the lychee industry chain and inject new momentum into the development of the industry.

"In Maoming, it is industrial parks that enable variety improvement, storage, and transportation to be managed orderly. Lychee growers have no worry about the price and marketing problems," said the grower Wu Xinghua from Yuanba village in Genzi town.

In the grasp of good marketing simultaneously, Maoming constantly enriches the portfolios of various lychee products to promote the integration of its whole industries. To be more specific, the country works to create lychee-centred industry clusters that integrate agriculture, culture and tourism with innovation, and to design diverse boutique routes so as to push the steady and far-reaching development of the lychee industry.












文、图/羊城晚报全媒体记者 全良波


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