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2023-06-17 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条


[June 6 - June 8, 2023, Nanjing, China] Enjoy your extraordinary journey from Jinling (Nanjing). The world's 236th Autograph Collection Hotel, Nanjing, Jiangning, Autograph Collection, to celebrate its 2nd birthday, delivered a new immersive "unique, fashionable and aloof" national tide theme experience, giving form to the unique gene of Autograph travel.


Nanjing, Jiangning, Autograph Collection, located on the site of a century-old cement factory, draws inspiration from the unique natural landscape and historical background, preparing a tense dialogue between industry and nature. The tall hotel lobby is inspired by the original mine landscape, the old pipes and valves are suggestive of the tough industrial style of the original cement factory. The classic collision of red and green between elaborately designed geometric structures with mechanical devices and neon lights shows the perfect fusion of ancient and modern.


Bridging the past, the present and the future, the hotel invites daring travelers to explore the secret of cement world. As day and night capture the inspiration of the rocketing times, the oriental classic writes legends forever. History, nature and culture are interwoven and integrated in the space composed of cement concrete and oriental trendy aesthetics, preparing travelers well for a legendary journey full of inspiration and creativities.


Driven by pioneering national goods craze and retro heritage, unlimited vigorous creativity sprouts. Unique, fashionable and aloof, the hotel, towering above the old site, is unfolding its peerless charm.

穿越,隔世之梦;味见,未来已至;复古,亦新潮。南京珺懋酒店,傲途格精选 - 青台 · 咖啡廊「国风新韵」主题下午茶,为旅行家呈献一场味蕾文艺复兴之旅。

Travel, as if into the dream of another life; sense, as if the future were there; retro, as if new fashion. Nanjing, Jiangning, Autograph Collection prepares the Green Terrace Cafe "National style new rhyme" theme afternoon tea, A taste bud renaissance tour for travelers.


Is it a richly decorated jade palace enveloped in mist, Just open the special treasure box, see how strawberries and raspberries and peach bring out the best in each other, how mango and passion fruit and fingered citron add to beauty of one another, how ice cream melts sweet and soft in your mouth. What is more, there are mellow dark chocolate, mashed almonds and apricots, silky milk chocolate, among many other classic sweetmeats.


As a dual-brand hotel under Marriott Bonvoy, Nanjing, Jiangning, Autograph Collection and The Westin Nanjing Resort & opened on June 28, 2021. It is indeed two happy events coming one after the other. Multiple surprise benefits for the 2nd anniversary are worth your attention!

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