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2023-07-19 来源: 懂球帝 原文链接 评论0条


L34hhh: 哥们儿就是一句英语都不说是吧。(Bro will never say a single word in English.)

Erdos_0: 情有可原,毕竟他生活在一个说西班牙语的城市。(In his defence, he is living in a Spanish speaking city.)

Mr_Booty_Bandit: 在迈阿密,你会说西班牙语比会说英语更自在点儿。(Miami might be easier to get around knowing only Spanish vs only English.)

The_lvliad: 毕竟拉丁美洲首都。(The Capital of Latin America.)

GunersauresDen: 他在Publix买东西那张照片太TM超现实了。(That picture of him shopping at Publix was so fucking surreal.)

Rooonaldooo99: 我不信,我自己去查查...即便如此怎么看都不像真的。(I didn't believe you, so I had to look it up.This still doesn't look real.)

DigitalSea: 后来他在警车的护送下还闯了个红灯...看来他在佛罗里达适应得不错。(He later ran a red light while being escorted by a police car.. he’s settling into Florida lifestyle quite nicely.)

CidVerte: OK,我开始相信他可能不会回归巴萨了。(Ok, now I am starting to really believe that maybe he won’t join Barcelona.)

Laesio@CidVerte: 别让这些流言蜚语影响到你。(Don't let these gossip rags get to you.)


esports_consultant: 这TM还用说?(damn u don't say.)

windowhihi: 热刺将拒绝7000万报价;拜仁将报价8000万;热刺将拒绝8000万报价;拜仁将报价9000万;热刺将拒绝9000万报价;拜仁将报价1亿;热刺拒绝了1亿报价因为列维认为被先前的报价羞辱了。(Tottenham will reject new £70m bid.Bayern will submit new £80m bid.Tottenham will reject new £80m bid.Bayern will submit new £90m bid.Tottenham will reject new £90m bid.Bayern will submit new £100m bid.Tottenham will reject new £100m bid because Levy felt insulted by previous bids.)

javierich0: 赶紧给他们一个亿搞定交易吧...弗洛伦蒂诺。(Just give them 100mil and be done with it, Florentino.)

Troll Football: 当图赫尔带着凯恩参观拜仁的荣誉室时的凯恩:(Harry Kane when Thomas Tuchel gives him a tour of the Bayern Munich trophy room)

国外段友:警车护送闯红灯,梅老板已经是佛罗里达人了 - 1


国外段友:警车护送闯红灯,梅老板已经是佛罗里达人了 - 2

JoJo797: 看着怎么就眼熟,但又说不上来哪里眼熟。(Something familiar about this. Just can't quite put my finger on it.)

WhereIsScotty: 墨尔本城?(Melbourne City FC?)

Seeteuf3l: 当摆大巴都不够了时...(When parking the bus wasn't enough.)


国外段友:警车护送闯红灯,梅老板已经是佛罗里达人了 - 3

GunnersaurusDen: 听见动静没?那是全世界数百万球迷下跪的声音。(Hear that? That's the sound of millions of fans across the world falling to their knees.)

_deep _blue_: 刚激动得被抬出Tesco。(Just got carried out of Tesco.)

not-always-online: 刚看见一个家伙被抬出了Tesco。(Just saw a guy get carried out of Tesco.)

wmj31: 刚看见一个家伙看着另一个家伙被抬出了Tesco。(Saw a guy watching a guy get carried out of Tesco.)

JoshJustJosh: 说麦克-迪恩是传奇,就像2001年我在的小学一个家伙在更衣室厕所拉肚子把马桶都拉满了一样传奇。(Mike Dean is only legendary in the same sense that the unnamed kid from my elementary school who literally filled the locker room toilet bowl with diarrhea in 2001 is legendary.)

EffortlessFlexor: 那家伙也去你们学校了?(that kid went to your school too?)

nizoubizou10: 瞎了整整28年,瑞思拜。(28 years of incompetence. respect.)

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