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2023-09-05 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

据英国leatherbiz.com报道,丹麦家具品牌Fritz Hansen正在使用来自半成品革和可追溯原料皮供应商Spoor的数据,为其家具产品的数字化赋能。


这些信息包括产品所用皮革原材料的的原产地、制造过程、环境数据、运输环节以及生命周期等。Fritz Hansen公司表示,这种数字化产品将帮助客户做出“更明智、更环保的选择”。



Fritz Hansen公司可持续发展部经理Morten Lund Petersen表示,“产品的可追溯性对于创建循环经济模式至关重要,这意味着产品可以翻新、修复、再利用、二次出售或回收。”

Danish furniture brand Fritz Hansen is using data from supplier of semi-processed, traceable hides Spoor to offer furniture products with digital product passport.

It carried out a pilot project at the headquarters in Randers of Spoor’s parent group Danish Crown, placing a chip under the leather upholstery in chairs during manufacturing.

Anyone can scan the chairs using a mobile phone and access information regarding every aspect of the materials used to manufacture the piece.

Information available includes details of the product’s origin, manufacturing processes, environmental data, materials, transportation and end-of-life options. Fritz Hansen has said digital product passports will help customers make “more informed, eco-conscious choices”.

It pointed out that European Union legislation is “set to transform the furniture industry” to promote traceability and circular economy practices. By 2030, products sold in the EU will need to have a digital passport.

Another partner in the pilot project, start-up MiCollect, is developing technology that it says will enable manufacturers to ensure that every piece of furniture and its constituent parts are fully traceable throughout their life. MiCollect’s technology will also bring this data to consumers in a user-friendly format.

“The benefits of traceability are essential to creating a circular economy model, meaning products can be refurbished, repaired, reused, resold or recycled,” said Morten Lund Petersen, sustainability manager at Fritz Hansen.


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