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2023-09-12 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条




xxx Suzhou office needs a local IT resource to do jobs on IT infrastructure part. I will take responsible for it. This role is not only focusing on resolving local IT issues, but also needs to cooperate with global IT teams to deploy IT policies, rules, and so on.

Per we talked and aligned on the meeting last time, I make a plan for this project. First, I try to be familiar with the local IT facilities, systems, policies, network mapping and so on. And then, I try to collect all the IT information and record into a template. It will be very useful. Global IT team will check the information for further security improvement, budget arrangement and so on. This job will be done in the first week as planned. And then I will go to next round for project improvement and routine IT maintenance.

PART1 – IT Orientation

I need to know information about all the running IT facilities, like:

1. What kind of computers, servers, printers are using in xxx?

2. Where are server room, dispatch room, network switches located?

3. How to login to some portals to manage the hardware or systems?

4. What kind of IT security principles or rules are running for IT controlling?

5. What kind of systems we need to support on local?

This kind of job will be done on the first day. So that, I should have a common sense of how many IT facilities XXX Suzhou office have, and how they work.

PART2 – IT Information collection

In this part, I need to record all the information I find. We should have a recording template first. In this template, I will record information like XXX suzhou’s hardware, software, systems, accounts, login portal, etc.. This job will take one week. By doing this, I will understand XXX Suzhou’s IT infrastructure better before I go to next round for routine maintenance.

I have a template for your reference.

PART3 – Function Improvement

Once we done the job above, global IT team will have some findings. When there is a change, I will work with global IT team to make it. This can help make the local IT function better and better. And it is a long-time project, we will keep updating.

PART4 – Routine maintenance

In this round, I will take my responsibility to support XXX Suzhou by onsite support and remote support. As planned, I will work onsite two days every week on work day. So I suggest, we can deal with some common issues or cases together onsite on the two days, and deal with urgent cases on the other days of the week remotely.

This is a long-time job. During this period, we will work together to try to make sure user’s needs can be fulfilled appropriately.


I suppose we will start the project from August 1. And I try to illustrate the road map below for your reference.



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