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China Focus: New outline aimed at greater Fujian-Taiwan connectivity, integration

2023-09-15 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

BEIJING, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- The newly-issued circular, which designated Fujian Province as a demonstration zone for cross-Strait integrated development, aims to facilitate better connectivity and integration between Fujian and Taiwan, said a senior Taiwan affairs official of the Chinese mainland on Thursday.

Institutional guarantees and preferential policies will be provided for the comprehensive integration of Taiwan residents and enterprises in Fujian and advancing integration between key areas such as Xiamen and Kinmen, as well as Fuzhou and Matsu, said Pan Xianzhang, vice director of the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, at a press conference.

The implementation of the circular on supporting making Fujian a demonstration zone for cross-Strait integrated development will guarantee a highly familiar and friendly environment for Taiwan compatriots to study, work, invest, and live there, thus ensuring their sense of participation, gain, happiness, and security, he said.

Cong Liang, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission, pledged continuous efforts to promote innovations in policy-making and mechanism-setting and deliver more dividends through relevant policies.

Cong noted that in recent years, relevant departments have vigorously promoted the planning and construction of traffic infrastructure in Fujian, and an integrated multidimensional transportation network has been built in the province, making it technically possible to construct a high-speed transport passage linking the province with Taiwan.

Cong said it has provided a solid foundation for advancing infrastructure connectivity across the Strait.

Cong added that goods from Taiwan will also reach the Eurasian market via the China-Europe Railway Express and other transportation means once cross-Strait infrastructure connectivity is ready.

Cong also noted that the shoals of the outer beaches of southern Fujian are suitable for developing offshore wind power and have the conditions necessary for large-scale transmission of green electricity to Taiwan.

Cong said the mainland is willing to strengthen cross-Strait energy cooperation and jointly promote green energy transition with Taiwan.

Luo Dongchuan, Fujian's deputy Party chief, said Fujian has already become the most dynamic area for people-to-people exchanges across the Strait and has established the most convenient channels for cross-Strait travels.

Further effort will be invested to guide Taiwan compatriots and enterprises to jointly participate in constructing a first-class business environment that is market-based, ruled by law, and more convenient.

Luo also vowed efforts to improve the coordination mechanism to safeguard the legitimate interests and rights of Taiwan compatriots and enterprises and refine communication channels between government and enterprises.

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