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2023-09-18 来源: 懂球帝 原文链接 评论1条


untradablecrespo:在经历上一个糟糕的十年后,我们现在怎么还在刷纪录?(how are we still breaking records like this after the last 10 years?)

bucajack:说白了就是一家啃老本儿的中游球队。(Genuinely a mid table club now living off past glories.)

alisab22:穆里尼奥曾经说带曼联拿到联赛第二是他最伟大的成就,当时觉得他阴阳怪气,现在看来真是诚不我欺啊。(Mourinho said finishing 2nd in EPL with ManU was his biggest achievement. At the time I found it snarky, but man does it make sooo much sense now.)

Affectionate_Hunt217:而且这还是个带波尔图拿过欧冠的人。(and that’s a man who won the Champions League with Porto lol.)

Issie_hyoudou:穆里尼奥带队拿了联赛第二,然后高层为了让他挑战曼城,给他买了弗雷德和达洛特。(They were second under mourinho and they gave him fred and dalot to chase down city.)

曼联前五场输三场创历史,国外网友:刷纪录遥遥领先 - 1

fwdramzh:曼联前些年真没少帮曼城的忙,从桑切斯到弗雷德,从弗雷德再到C罗。(United really have done City a favor over the years. Alexis Sanchez, Fred, Ronaldo etc.)

Nasib_7:尽管如此,曼联过去10年的5个冠军有3个都是穆里尼奥拿的。(And still, in the last 10 Years United have won 5 trophies, 3 of them won under mourinho.)

TheJunts:穆里尼奥太了解这支球队了。他本应该得到俱乐部全力支持的,滕哈格算个P啊。(Mourinho knew this team inside and out. He should've been backed 100%. Ten Hag is a fucking nobody.)

caandjr:他(穆里尼奥)花了3.5个亿结果成了受害者了是吧。(He spent 350 million but somehow he’s the victim here.)


Neptune_Ocean10:创造历史,瑞思拜!(MAKING HISTORY ???)

Ecstatic-Jacket2007:自2014年以来一直走在重建-摆烂之路上。(Been rebuilding and getting worse since 2014.)

Ahm3DD:段位是暂时的,创造历史是永久的。(Class is temporary, making history is permanent.)

注:引自"From is temporary, class is permanent." (状态是暂时的,段位是永久的。)

ImGonnalmagineSummit:怀念奥勒(索尔斯克亚)时代了,每周都像是要破纪录的样子。(I missed these during the Ole era when it seemed like he was breaking a new record every week.)

impossible_Wonder_37:弗爵以后的历任教练都找到了自己的方式来刷纪录。(Each and every new manager since fergie has found new ways to break records.)

d_smogh:这不曼联传统么,前承爵爷遗产,继往开来创纪录。(It's the United way. Continuing the Fergie legacy of making records.)

tnerrot:但我记得当时说C罗是球队毒药来着吧。(But I thought Cristiano was the problem?)

Scott_EFC:不不,是马奎尔,或是桑乔。(No, it was Maguire... or Sancho...)

luchajefe:当然是德赫亚,说他没向前传递能力。(Obviously De Gea. Useless at forward play.)

曼联前五场输三场创历史,国外网友:刷纪录遥遥领先 - 2


QuackBaker:滕圣正在打造一支最具纪律性的中游球队,给他一些时间家人们。(ETH is trying to build the most disciplined mid-table team. Give him time folks.)

Ok-Fan7002:最烂纪律。(*ill disciplined.)

Thejoulesthief:滕哈格会第一个下课吗?(Will ETH win the sack race?)

FloppedYaYa:我觉得他不至于这么快下课,因为伤病太多了。(Think he'll probably get more time due to the large amount of injuries.)

habdragon08:他不会这么快下课因为格雷泽家族根本无所谓。(He will get more time because the Glazers dont give a fuck.)

ImGonnaImagineSummit:我觉得曼联短期内不会换帅除非有一名顶级教练赋闲。(I don't see Utd replacing him unless a top tier coach makes themselves available.)

luh_shmunky:纳格尔斯曼如果想来的话可以考虑。他能从这群球员里挖出更大潜力来。(Nagelsmann is there if he wants the job. He'd get more out of these guys.)

Alternate_Chinmay7:纳格尔斯曼要真是个聪明人就不会来。(Nagelsmann would stay away from United if he's smart.)

SwitchHitter17:可以肯定的是朗尼克会把曼联的真实情况给他透露一二。(I'm sure Rangnick would have a thing or two to tell him about the club as well.)

曼联前五场输三场创历史,国外网友:刷纪录遥遥领先 - 3

flaycs:我不明白他为什么就不用佩利斯特里。(I don't understand what this guy has against Pellistri. )

Pokuo:因为他(佩利斯特里)没在荷甲踢过球。(He never played in Eredivisie.)

OriginalRange8761:可能是因为佩利斯特里不打女人吧。(Maybe pellistri doesn't hit women.)

PacwynTeam@OriginalRange8761:收回这句话,万一以后不幸言中了呢。(Saving this one in case you turn out to be wrong.)


aaaaaaadjsf:滕哈格有清晰的用人标准,那就是即便他们场上表现如何都用人不疑。(Ten Hag has clear favorites, and plays them regardless of on field performances.)

shudh_desi_gareeb@aaaaaaadjsf:以及场下。(Or off field performances)

_Kyl0Ren:要这么说他连超市都开不好。(Dude couldn't manage a Tesco.)

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Sunman 2023-09-18 回复

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