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How can I save shipping cost on shopify/ Crowdfunding withUSPS discount

2023-09-25 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

UPS/UPS ground single discount account in the United States, first-hand resources, refer to $8 per unit price (1-8 zone, within 150 pounds)

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With the continuous development of e-commerce business, more and more merchants are looking for ways to reduce freight costs. Using a United States Postal Service (USPS) invoice discount account can help you achieve this on Shopify and crowdfunding sites. This article will explain in detail how to use the USPS invoice discount account to save a small shipping package.

Register and activate a USPS discount account

First, you need to visit the USPS official website to register for a discount account. Select the right package for your needs and activate your account after completing the registration process.

Apply discounts on Shopify and crowdfunding platforms

On your Shopify store or crowdfunding platform, go to the "Order" or "Ship" Settings to find the Settings options related to logistics. Here, you can change the default logistics method to the service provided by the USPS discount account. This way, when the customer places an order, the order will be automatically calculated using the discounted shipping cost.

Get specific shipping discount information

After activating a USPS discount account, you will receive a unique discount code. Enter this code into your Shopify or crowdfunding platform Settings to receive the appropriate shipping discount. Please note that discount codes may vary by package and region, so make sure you use the correct code to get the best deal.

Optimized freight strategy

Using a USPS discount account will not only help you save money on shipping, it will also help you better control your shipping costs. You can choose different shipping packages according to your needs in order to offer your customers a more competitive price. In addition, you can adjust your sales strategy by analyzing shipping data to understand which goods or regions have higher shipping costs.

Increase customer satisfaction

You can stand out in the competitive e-commerce market by using the discounted shipping rates offered by the USPS Discount account. This will help attract more customers and improve your customer satisfaction. At the same time, satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers, bringing long-term profits to your e-commerce business.

Sum up

Using a USPS discount account is a simple and effective way to save Shopify and crowdfunding sites a single shipping package. As long as you follow the above steps, you can easily achieve a reduction in shipping costs. At the same time, don't forget to optimize your shipping strategy to improve customer satisfaction and thus create more value for your e-commerce business.

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