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772/Beijing Micro MXT2129 can replace AD9129_ MXT2129 original stock

2023-11-25 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

The founder of Shenzhen Xinchuanghua Technology Co., Ltd. started working in the electronic components industry in 2003. The company was founded in 2015 and focuses on providing customers with high-quality electronic components. The company has established its own technical team while providing original technical support. We have the ability to help customers solve all problems they encounter during use and develop corresponding solutions! The company mainly operates a full range of brand electronic components, including Beijing Microelectronics, Jiejie Microelectronics, Qiangmao, Runshi, Neusoft, Zhaoyi Innovation, Fudan Microelectronics, Ziguang, Zhuzhou Hongda, Siripu, Yiguang, Botong Integration, Zhongying Electronics, Shunluo, Huabang, Junzheng, Shengbang Microelectronics, Shanghai Beiling, Runshi, National Technology, and Guowei. Multiple domestic spot warehouses with over 10000 models in stock. V 18118785155 Bear

Beijing Microelectronics Technology Research Institute was founded in 1994 and is affiliated with the Ninth Research Institute of China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. It is a military electronic component research and development unit that is a key investment and construction of the country. Its headquarters is located in Beijing, and it has a branch in Xi'an with more than 800 employees. It has a first-class integrated circuit design center, packaging testing and failure analysis center, and special device production line in China. Our institute has passed the GJB9001C-2017 quality system certification, military large-scale integrated circuit production line certification, second and third pole management military standard certification, and occupational health and safety and environmental management system certification.

Beijing Institute of Microelectronics Technology focuses on aerospace microelectronics technology, with a focus on the research and development of single-chip integrated circuits, microsystems and modules, and discrete semiconductor devices. It has formed microprocessors and systems on chip (SoC), field programmable gate arrays (FPGA), memory, analog-to-digital converters (AD/DA), buses and interfaces, general logic, RF and microwave, power management There are over 300 types of aerospace/military shelving products in 16 categories, including ASIC and discrete devices. Its complete microelectronic product spectrum strongly supports the development of aerospace, aviation, electronics, shipbuilding, weapons, and nuclear industries.

The Beijing Microelectronics Technology Research Institute aims to build an international first-class integrated circuit supplier, based on leading radiation resistant integrated circuit design technology, to provide high-end aerospace electronic component products, high-performance radiation resistant IP and ASIC design services, highly reliable ceramic packaging design and packaging services, high-performance integrated circuit testing and reliability verification services to the world. At present, products and technologies such as radiation resistant FPGA, radiation resistant AD/DA, radiation resistant SRAM, radiation resistant bus, and 65nm radiation resistant reinforced IP have been exported to Russia, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, etc

B12D1600 B9243AMG B9240MGRH B9240MQRH B083000RQC B08D1000RH B08D1500RH B12D1000RH B12D1600RH B128S102RH B2543ARHB 9288ARH B1401RH B7892RH B9122RH B9726RHQN B9739RB B9762AMG B9764MGRH B9739RB B9726RHQN B9122RH B63825RH B64843RH BM4802AMQRH BM4803AMQRH J61580R(B61580RH)-B65170S6RH B4013E BQV300-CQ240A/CQ228 BQ2V1000-BG456 BQ2V6000-CCGA1144 BM501-003CBRH(BSV5) BQ5V Series BQR2V1000-BGA575 BQR2V3000-CCGA717 BQR2V6000-CCGA114 BSV1 BSV2 B54LVDS217ARH BLK2711MQRH B26LV31TERH B26LV32TERH B26C31CERH B26C32CERH B54LVDS031LVRH B54LVDS032LVRH B54LVDSC031RH B54LVDSC032RH B54ACS164245SRHF B54ACS164245SARH B18V04B28F256LVRH B28F256RHB6664RH B9702RHB4106RH BM7101MQRH B8CR256K32RH B28F1024RH B7156ARH B65608EARH B8CR1M32RH B8CR1M39RH B8CR2M32RH B8CR512K32RH B8R512K8RH B8R512K39RH BM2712MQRH BM2711MQRH BM3109IB BAF1000-BG256 BMMS02-00BMMS01-00 BMOF2-100 2CZ5806 2CZ5806US 2CZ5811 2CZ5811US BM2720RH BM1840AMDRH/AMFRH

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