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Maye Musk to Attend T-EDGE Conference as TMTPost Embraces a New Decade of Global Presence

2023-11-28 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

BEIJING, Novemer 27 (TMTPOST) -- The three-day T-EDGE Conference will open on December 1, with the theme of "New Horizons, New Connections."

Maye Musk: A Beacon of Inspiration at T-EDGE 2023

Among a galaxy of luminary guests, Maye Musk is a shining example of adaptability and accomplishment. Being the mother of tech whiz Elon Musk, a bestselling bookwriter, nutritionist, model, and entrepreneur, her attendance at the T-EDGE Conference will bring a new perspective to the conference. Musk will dress up as a Tiko Poet, presenting her poetic insights and engaging in a thought-provoking conversation with Hejuan Zhao, the founder, chairperson and CEO of TMTPost and the driving force behind the new media group.

Tiko Poetry Time: Where Technology Meets Art

Scientists, entrepreneurs and artists are invited to explore the intersections of their industries through the medium of poetry in Tiko Poetry Time, an innovative combination of technology and poetry created by TMTPost and Tiko Time. This section is more than just a place for poetry to be recited; it's a forum for using poetry to review and discuss current affairs, technological advancements, and the state of the human race.

Zhao’s Strategic Vision

In the face of global challenges, including the coronavirus pandemic, Zhao's strategic vision for TMTPost's internationalization has remained unshaken. This year, more than ever, is crucial for TMTPost as it accelerates its international expansion. Establishing a stronger presence in key global markets such as the United States, Europe, and Southeast Asia, TMTPost is poised to become a significant player on the international stage.

TMTPost: Embarking on a Global Journey

The recent release of TMTPost's new logo is a turning point in the organization's development towards a stronger global presence. TMTPost's decision to rebrand represents its dedication to embracing the global technology stage and its part in forming tech-driven prosperity. The new design, which embodies the idea of being a "Switch on Tech-Driven Wealth," reflects TMTPost's goal of leading the global tech revolution.

"chuhaicankao": TMTPost’s Strategic Initiative for Chinese Enterprises

TMTPost's "chuhaicankao" initiative is a bold step towards facilitating Chinese companies' entry into international markets. This service platform aims to provide comprehensive support in overseas operations, management, and marketing strategies. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by Chinese enterprises abroad, "chuhaicankao" serves as a bridge, offering a tool kit to navigate the global business landscape effectively.

This Year's Gala: A Fusion of Innovation and Global Trends

The conference this year encompasses three days of diverse themed sessions, each concentrating on a distinct facet of innovation, globalization, and investment. Sebastian Thrun, the father of the self-driving car, Steven Barnett, IMF Resident Representative in China, Signe Brudeset, Norway's Ambassador to China will deliver a key-note speech or attend the round-table disscussions.

Important components of the conference, the China investing Fund Summit and the China Listed Company Investment Value Summit, will explore the subtleties of capital markets and investing approaches. These summits are forums for talking about how capital may promote high-quality development and support the expansion of the real economy, not merely about financial insights.

Releasing Pioneering Reports

In-depth reports, including the one on innovation in China and Switzerland and the Global AI Ethics Governance Report, will be unveiled during the conference. The reports, stemming from extensive research and close collaboration, will provide attendees with insights into and perspectives of innovation and ethical considerations regarding AI.

T-Edge Conference: A Gathering of Global Innovators, entrepreneurs and investors

The level of professionalism and diversity of attendees at the T-EDGE conference in 2023 is unprecedented. Attendees will have an unmatched opportunity to learn from industry leaders about business strategies, industry trends, and the direction technology will go in a fast-changing world.

Innovators, entrepreneurs, and visionaries are invited by TMTPost to join them in Beijing's 751D·PARK. Since TMTPost’s inception in 2012, it has built a forum where innovative thinkers from various fields, tech luminaries, and industry pioneers come together to exchange concepts, get fresh perspectives, and forge partnerships. A diverse range of tech entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and Nobel laureates have attended the conference. (Reporting by Dai Yizhe.)

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