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2017-02-15 来源: 这才是美国 原文链接 评论0条

欧美雾霾的致命性约为中国城市的27倍?竟然是外媒报的!到底怎么回事? - 1| 这才是美国 |

用亲历告诉你一个真实的美国欧美雾霾的致命性约为中国城市的27倍?竟然是外媒报的!到底怎么回事? - 2

本文来自在英国乃至全球都颇有影响力的网站The Independent .com,文章援引英国媒体报道称:同样是雾霾,但是中国PM2.5含量中的致命性物质却远远低于欧美国家。这个结论是不是很让人惊讶呢?到底怎么回事呢?小编把原文和译文都整理了出来,大家看个究竟吧。


欧美雾霾的致命性约为中国城市的27倍?竟然是外媒报的!到底怎么回事? - 3

UK media: China studies said Europe and the United States haze lethal is about 27 times of Chinese cities


according to UK media, a study has found in Europe and North America haze of lethal May 26 times higher than China's average urban air pollution.


according to Britain's the independent newspaper website reported on February 10, in this study, the researchers tested the 272 Chinese cities in the effects of air pollution on human health.The scale of the study for the similar research in developing countries.


published in the American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, according to a paper in the researchers found that in the city, people's average PM2.5 exposure more than five times the level suggested by the world health organization.


but they also found that, compared with PM2.5 in Europe and North America, China of PM2.5 has a much smaller effect on mortality of ascension.


Chinese center for disease control and prevention experts mai-geng zhou led the research team, this is because China's air pollution is the result of blew from the arid region of a large number of natural dust, and the western mainly from industrial pollution.


and they found that if we do not consider the accident cause of death, the Chinese every increase 10 micrograms per cubic meter of air pollutants, the mortality rate is increased by 0.22%.


at king's college London environmental health expert professor frank kelly told reporters:

"the risk of these relatively obvious lower than Europe and the United States."Kelly was not involved in the study, but China's air pollution is studied.



kelly said: "in the early death rate (Europe), pollutants, every 10 microgram increase mortality rate increased by 6%."



according to the report, it shows that European air pollution toxicity is about 27 times in China.


however, kelly, says prof cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong may also have a "western" air pollution.

The number of "natural dust in the air there is not enough to make factors such as coal, biomass and fossil fuels."



he said: "in main pollutants comes not from the local power plant or serious traffic jams, some cities (lower mortality) may be true."



reported that natural dust particles can cause lung damage and cause of asthma.

Produced by the burning of fossil fuels carbon particles may cause similar problems, but also the appearance they wrapped the heavy metal, chemicals and volatile organic compounds.

These substances may be from the lungs into the blood, it is believed that would further damage to the body.




the greenpeace activists against air pollution, li ba hamid said:

"toxic air cause serious harm to people's health, no matter where they live."



hamid said:

"we now know that the toxicity of diesel exhausts is much larger than car company claims, and this is a big reason of air pollution in Europe and North America.

These companies are responsible for a lot of problems, but so far they have avoided any real responsibility."




reported that more than 75 years old, education level is low or higher risk of death living in warmer areas.

the researchers said it is believed that people living in warmer city to outdoor or open the window of time may be longer, so will inhale more pollute the air.

They also theorize that people with lower education degree to enjoy medical treatment service opportunity is less, they contact the health environment is poor.





欧美雾霾的致命性约为中国城市的27倍?竟然是外媒报的!到底怎么回事? - 4

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