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Sydney 高端留学机构招聘文案实习生

更新时间 2024-09-09 浏览量 720次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 Genius Inspiration Global Education
工作性质 全职,兼职,实习
经验要求 不限
学历要求 Bachelor
签证要求 不限
工资水平 面议
工作亮点 环境高大上,团队友善,成长空间
公司地址 650 George Street, Sydney NSW, Australia,Sydney,悉尼
联系人 john
联系我时请说明是在 今日珀斯看到的,谢谢!


Genius Inspiration Global Education is located at 650 George street, World Square, Sydney. We have got great enthusiasm and vision for the business, and we are determined to make it happen. In Genius Inspiration, we provide overseas student services. We have successfully developed our business by maintaining a solid client base and group network partners across many countries. Nonetheless, we recognize the importance of global education under an increasingly global environment and aim to prepare our clients with such challenges in their future career path. As a pioneer in the educational industry, we cater to the personal needs of our customers. Our ultimate goal is to provide customized study-abroad plans as well as follow-up services for all of our customers. Our team members are a group of educational experts who have been working in this field for decades. We have not only a prestigious educational background, but also rich experience in overseas education and devote ourselves to providing all-around customized educational plans for students both on-shore and off-shore.


1. 乐于与人沟通、有良好的倾听技巧及优秀的文字表达能力,具有一定的文案功底.
2. 对热点话题敏感、有创意、思维活跃且想象力丰富;
3. 做事细心有责任感;
4. 热爱阅读,对新鲜事物有强烈好奇心和快速学习的能力;
5. 本科以上学历.

2 舒适的工作环境,中西文化并存,简单高效,远离办公室政治;
3 高速的个人成长,每天和世界级学霸们一起共事,接触最前沿的行业资讯;
4 良好的发展空间,作为快速发展的创业型的教育公司,有机会接触世界各地学生,深入了解澳洲及其他国家的教育体系;
5 你将进入一个充满活力,正能量满满的年轻团队
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。

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