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Genius Inspiration 招聘1人

更新时间 2024-10-02 浏览量 13次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 Genius Inspiration
工作性质 全职
经验要求 不限
学历要求 Bachelor
签证要求 不限
工资水平 面议
工作亮点 环境高大上,提成丰厚,成长空间
公司地址 650 George Street, Sydney NSW, Australia,Sydney,悉尼
联系人 Brandon Y
联系我时请说明是在 今日珀斯看到的,谢谢!


Genius Inspiration Global Education is located at the 20th floor of Darling Park, Sydney, which enjoys a fantastic view of Darling Harbor and an indoor hanging garden. We have got great enthusiasm and vision for the business, and we are determined to make it happen. In Genius Inspiration, we provide education and immigration services, exports Australia education industry to Asia. With the passion for delivering the best matching education courses to our clients, we have successfully developed our business by maintaining a solid client base and group network partners across many countries. Nonetheless, we recognize the importance of global education under an increasingly global environment and aim to prepare our clients with such challenges in their future career path. As a pioneer in the educational industry, we cater to the personal needs of our customers. Our ultimate goal is to provide customized study-abroad and immigration plans as well as follow-up services for all of our customers with a thorough analysis of each part of Australian migration and educational policies. Our team members are a group of educational experts who have been working in this field for decades. We have not only a prestigious educational background, but also rich experience in overseas education and immigration, and devote ourselves to providing all-around customized educational and immigration plans for students both on-shore and off-shore. A


Student Consultant
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