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Burwood免费护理幼教 白卡叉车 急救食品安全 地产贷款 美容按摩 建筑牌快速拿证

更新时间 2024-10-04 浏览量 17次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 JT college Pty Ltd
工作性质 志愿者,全职,兼职,Casual,实习,合同工
经验要求 不需要
学历要求 不限
签证要求 学生签证,不限,工作签证,澳洲国籍,其他签证,永居签证,打工度假签证
性别要求 不限
工资水平 面议
工作亮点 离车站近,团队友善,成长空间
联系人 Jessie
联系我时请说明是在 今日珀斯看到的,谢谢!


JT College 悉尼专业短期上岗牌照培训,国家注册咖啡师、RSA酒牌/赌牌、FSS食品安全牌、安全白卡、急救、叉车证,高空作业密闭空间,脚手架等短期牌照培训! 免费政府资助三级&四级护理、三级&大专幼教 RPL快速认证各类技工上岗证书(三级木工、四级建筑管理、老年护理、幼儿教育、美容按摩等、酒店管理、教师资格证,贷款地产



1【🐮强烈推荐🐮】短期课 - 随时预约上课:

⭐️急救证 - 一天课程,快速拿证
~CPR & 急救 & 幼儿急救
⭐️酒牌RSA - 一天课程, 快速拿证
⭐️赌牌RCG - 一天课程,快速拿证
⭐️食品安全FSS - 一天课程,当天拿证
⭐️安全白卡 - 一天课程,当天拿证
⭐️注册咖啡师&拉花 - 一天课程,当天拿证
⭐️COR地产小牌 - 一天课程, 快速拿证
⭐️叉车证 Forklift - 两天课程,快速拿证
⭐️高空作业 - 一天课程,当天拿证
⭐️密闭空间 - 一天课程,当天拿证
⭐️owner builder 业主自建房 - 一天课程,快捷课程
⭐️脚手架 - 3天课程,快速拿证

2 政府资助课程【免学费】


3 Workshop 兴趣爱好班


4 ✅ RPL快速获得澳洲认证证书:
RPL (Recognized Prior Learning),“学前认证”详解就是澳洲境内/境外工作经验相关领域的学习认证,以此获得学历证书。通过 RPL 获取的资格证书是全澳洲职场和教育部一致认可的,证书和通过去学校学习获得证书在本质上和含金量上是一样的。不用上课 不用写作业!

👍还在为找不到工作和生意,而发愁吗? 在澳洲有技术, 有证在手, 工作不愁!生意不愁!

🉑️ 全澳通用RPL教育资格证书 【🌟万能百搭, 擅长领域拿证授课】:

Certificate lV in Training and Assessment 四级教师资格证升级
Cetificate IV in School Based Education Support 四级学校教育支持证书

🉑️ 全澳通用RPL建筑类证书 【🔥男性热门】:
Certificate III in Carpentry 三级木工证书
Certificate IV in Building and Construction 四级建筑证书
Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling 三级瓷砖证书
Certificate III in Joinery 三级细木工(橱柜)
Certificate III in Plumbing 三级水工证书
Certificate III in Blocklaying and Bricklaying 三级砌砖证书
Diploma of Building and Construction 建筑和施工大专文凭
advanced Diploma of Building and Construction (Management) 建筑与施工高级文凭(管理)
Certificate l in Construction (Handyman) 一级建筑业证书(杂工)
Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) 二级电工技术证书(职业起步)
Certificate lll in Air- conditioning and Refrigeration 三级空调和制冷证书
Certificate lll in Automotive Body Repaire Technology 三级汽车车身修理技术证书
Certificate lll in Automotive Body Repaire Technology 三级橱柜制作证书
Certificate lll in Civil Construction Plant Operations 三级土木建筑设备操作证书
Certificate III in Concreting "三级混泥土证书
Certificate III in Construction Landscape "三级花园修建整理证书
Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing 三级防水证书
Certificate III in Demolition 三级拆除证书
Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician 三级电工技术证书
Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade "三级电焊证书 (铁器)
Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade 三级工程学证书--机械行业
Certificate III in Glass and Glazing * 三级玻璃证
Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology 三级重型商用车辆机械技术证书
Certificate III in Horticulture 三级园艺证书
Certificate III in Joinery 三级细木工(橱柜)
Certificate lll In Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology 三级轻型车辆机械技术证书
Certificate III in Painting and Decorating * 三级油漆装饰证书
Certificate III in Plumbing 三级水工证书
Certificate III in Roof Plumbing 三级屋顶证书
Certificate III in Roof Tiling 三级屋顶瓦工证书
Certificate III in Shopfitting 三级店铺装修证书
Certificate III in Solid Plastering "三级 render 证书(外墙粉刷,抹灰)
Certificate III in Stonemasorny 三级石头
Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining 三级Gyprock 证书
Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling 三级瓷砖证书
Certificate III in Blocklaying and Bricklaying 三级砌砖证书
Certificate III in Demolition 三级拆除证书
Certificate II in Automotive Air Conditioning Technology 二级汽车空调技术证书
Certificate IV in Automotive Electrical Technology 四级汽车电气技术证书
Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Overhauling 四级汽车机械检修证书
Certificate IV in Demolition 四级拆除专业证书
Certificate IV in Horticulture 四级园艺证书
Certificate IV in Plumbing and Service 四级水工证书
Diploma of Automotive Technology 汽车技术文凭
Diploma of Building and Construction 建筑和施工文凭
Diploma of Constuction Managment 建筑管理文凭
Diploma of Project Management 项目管理文凭
Diploma of Quality Auditing 质量审计文凭
Advanced Diploma of Building Surveying 建筑测量学高级文凭
Certificate II in Fire Protection Inspection and Testing 消防检验与测试二级证书
Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety 工作健康与安全四级证书
Diploma of work health and safety 工作健康与安全大专证书
Certificate III in Mobile Plant Technology 移动设备技术三级证书

🉑️ 全澳通用RPL护理幼教类证书 【🔥女性热门】:

Certificate lll in Early Childhood Education and Care 三级幼教
Diploma of Early Childhoods Education and Care 大专幼教
Certificate lV in Child Youth and Family Intervation 四级儿童、青年和家庭护理证书
Diploma of Youth Work 青年工作大专证书
Certificate lll in Individual Support (Ageing) 三级老年护理证书 (Ageing Stream)
Certificate lll in Individual Support (Disability) 三级老年护理证书 ( 残障方向)
Certificate lll in Individual Support (Ageing & Disability SOA) 三级老年护理证书 (Ageing & Disability)
Certificate IV in Disability 四级残障护理
Certificate IV in Ageing Support 四级老年护理

🉑️ 全澳通用RP L美容按摩类证书 【✨新晋女性热门】:
Diploma of Beauty Therapy 美容大专文凭
Diploma of Remedial Massage 治疗性按摩大专文凭
Diploma of Salon Management 沙龙管理大专文凭
Certificate IV in Hairdressing 四级美发证书
Certificate lV in Beauty Therapy 四级美容治疗证书
Certificate lV in Hairdressing 四级美发整理
Certificate lV in Remedial Massgage 四级治疗性按摩证书
Certificate lll in Hairdressing 三级美发证书
Diploma of Cosmetic Tattooing 纹绣大专
SOA in eyebrow tattooing (Also available in lips, eyes, scalp micropigmentation, breast areola) 单项纹绣项目
Certificatre lll in Nail Techonology 三级美甲证书
Advanced Diploma of Intense Pulsed Light and Laser for Hair Reduction 激光除毛

🉑️ 全澳通用RPL健身健康类证书 【⛽️年轻人热门】:
Certificate lll in Fitness 三级健身证书
Certificate lV in Fitness 四级健身证书
Certificate lll in Health Services Assistance三级健康服务援助证书
Certificate lV in Allied Health Assistance 四级专职医疗助理证书
Certificate lV in Disability 四级残障人士证书
Certificate lV in Mental Health 四级精神健康证书
Diploma of Mental Health 心理健康大专证书
Diploma of Counselling 辅导大专证书
Certificate IV in Leisure and Health 休闲健康证书
Diploma of Community Services 社区服务大专证书
Diploma of Hospitality Management 酒店管理大专证书
Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management 酒店管理高级大专证书

🉑️ 全澳通用RPL厨师烘培酒店管理类证书 【🧑‍🍳巧手热门】:
Certificate lll in Baking 三级烘培证书
Certificate lll in Commercial Cookery 三级商业烹饪证书
Certificate lV in Kitchen Management 四级厨房管理证书
Certificate lll in Patisserie 三级糕点师证书
Certificate lV in Patisserie 四级糕点师证书
Certificate lV in Kitchen Managment 四级厨房管理证书
Certificate lll in Hospitality 三级酒店管理证书
Certificate lV in Hospitality 四级酒店管理证书

🉑️ 全澳通用RPL地产贷款类证书 【🙋白领热门】:
Certificate IV in Strata Community Managment
Certificate lV in Real Estate Practise 四级地产牌
Diploma of Property (Agency Management ) 房地产大专文凭
Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management 金融和抵押贷款经纪管理高级文凭
Cert IV in Finance and mortgage Broking 四级金融和抵押贷款经纪管理证书

🉑️ 全澳通用RPL商业管理类证书 【🎓精英热门】:
Advanced Diploma of Business 商业高级文凭
Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Managment 领导与管理高级文凭
Advanced Diploma of Project Management 项目管理高级文凭
Advanced Diploma of Marketing and Communication 市场营销与传播高级文凭
Advanced Diploma of Project Management 项目管理高级文凭
Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning) 管理学研究生文凭
Diploma of Business 商业大专文凭
Diploma of Leadership and Management 领导与管理大专文凭
Diploma of Human Resources Management 人力资源管理大专文凭
Diploma of Project Management 项目管理大专文凭
Certificate lll in Business 三级商业证书
Certifcicate lV in Business 商业四级证书
Certificate lV in Leadership and Management 四级领导与管理证书

学校地址:510/11-15 Deane street,Burwood NSW 2134(Burwood火车站步行1分钟)
电话:0450075289 & 0405911827
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