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Agilent安捷伦E9327A 功率传感器

20天前 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

E9327A E-Series Peak And Average Power Sensor, 50 MHz To 18 GHz

The E9327A power sensor has a 5-MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average, and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000.


The E9327A diode power sensor has a 5-MHz video bandwidth and is ideal for time-gated peak, average, and peak-to-average ratio power measurements on W-CDMA wireless formats such as cdma2000.

5-MHz video bandwidth, ideal for E-CDMA and cdma2000 applications

Fast measurement speed, up to 1000 corrected readings per second, via the GPIB

Wide dynamic range

Calibration factors, linearity, temperature, and bandwidth correction stored in EEPROM

Precision type-N connector as standard

Operates with the EPM-P (E4416A / 17A) series and P-Series (N1911A / 12A) power meters

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